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looking for a "video cart!?


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I teach physics in a middle school. we putting on a production of "The Wiz" atthe begining of March. We have filmed several video clips and have a back projector and screen to display the videos however as I am running the lighting and sound and video I am looking for a program that I can use on my laptop (win xp) to play individual videos from a playlist without automatically moving on to the next one. I cannot find out how to do this with windows media player. VLC player will do so but then displays the computer screen atthe end. I have a wonderful free audio cart player Mixere. I supose I am looking for a video equivalent of this. I have tried searching the web but have not got far. Any suggestions gratefully recieved.

Thanks in advance

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Somebody is going to come along and suggest screen monkey at some point, and it's quite a good suggestion, though I've found you need a decent spec pc or it can be quite flaky (no surprise with video, I was trying to do it on the cheap!).

But.... we did do the Wizard of Oz a year or so ago, and whilst we were doing front projection with Robe digispots, we ran a lot of the clips (for audio sync reasons) from a dvd player at the desk.

Our video wizard (not me) managed to build a dvd that auto paused on a black screen after each clip, so there was no manual pausing to do, and all that had to be done was press play. Shuttering was done on the digispot.

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1 way is to embed the videos into powerpoint, which will open them in the order you want and to whatever size you need.


I'm sure screen monkey will also do it, however I've not used it so can't comment any further..but seems a popular free product amongst the members here.


I'm sure there are many playlist type media players which would also do the job.


Perhaps an easier way is to "lay off" all of your vt's to a hard disk recorder...one of the domestic type would do the job. this would give you the playlist ability and also let you choose clips at random.


I'd personally use something like a doremi nugget, or Gvg Turbo...but they are high end kit which I'm guessing you may not have the budget to purchase or even hire.


hope these ideas may help you out.

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