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Shattering a Car Window


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I remember ages ago watching a behind-the-scenes video about one of the james bond films (possibly on the dvd) (I think its the film with Halle Berry towards the end there in a plane and one of the windows is smashed and theres fighting and eventually someone gets thrown out of it-but thats not the point here) and they said they used something which was similar to this and had an air hose pointing behind it which pushed the 'glass' out but obviously this is completely safe because it is a gel like substance although I imagine it would give the impression of the window blowing outwards as opposed to inwards if an actual bullet did hit it
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Oli,

I always use a micro det on the car windows inside the car door. It works every time without glas flying around.

But if you don´t want to use Pyros you can use a rat trap. You know, like a mouse trap only twice as big. The Spring is bigger and has more tencion. You can soulder or glue a hardened steel tip to the spring loaded bracket. To set the whole thing of you cold use an electric door opening mechanism from a car door. They work with 12 volts.




Please excuse my poor writing, I havn´t spoken english in years...

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