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Moderation Shuffle


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Hi Folks,


We've had a tiny reshuffle in Mod HQ, which I just wanted to let you all know about.


First of all, a number of moderators who were too busy to really participate any more have moved to the "Moderator in Absence" status - this means that they no longer get the emails and reports, but they still have moderation powers for the times they are available.


This meant that the moderation team was looking a little light, so we have asked Gridgirl to join the moderation team and help us out with the moderation duties. She has very kindly agreed, so we're delighted to welcome her to the team.


I'd like to take a moment to expressly thank all of the moderators (past and present) for their fantastic work and support. Especially when you consider our pay rates.*





Blue Room Admin.





* = A sliding scale from $0 to $0.**

** = Can't find the pound key on this Canadian keyboard, sorry. :)

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