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Outdoor cinema


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sorry to clog up your chat room with non-technicians, but I know nothing about AV hence why I just pay you guys to do it and keep out your way.


Some one has approched me about doing an outdoor cinema to show local film makers and I dont understant the logistics are there hire companies that do the whole thing......

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in order to answer the question can we ask a couple of questions.


1) Is this a perminant or tempory instalation

2) What format are the local films going to be delivered / submitted on (Video / film) (DV, SP, Digi/8, 16, 35...) Or worse a mix...)

3) What format sound are you attempting to deliver (Mono, Stereo, DD, DTS...)

4) How big an area needs covering.

5) What time of day (daylight / night)



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1) Is this a perminant or tempory instalation

2) What format are the local films going to be delivered / submitted on (Video / film) (DV, SP, Digi/8, 16, 35...) Or worse a mix...)

3) What format sound are you attempting to deliver (Mono, Stereo, DD, DTS...)

4) How big an area needs covering.

5) What time of day (daylight / night)




-It will be a tempory instalation

-Ill get the local films in all formats but cut them together as one digital format.

-For the sound, Id set up a 1k PA system.

-The area needs to cover about 30 metres Sq (showing to about 1500 people)

-Ideally dusk, but depends on price really.



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Dusk, is still pritty bright and you have to think where the sun will be, and were is is going. the orintaion matters. you can't have the screen infront of the sun (west) as it will blind the viewers and you can't place it east because the sun will wash out the screen, so I would suggest that the screen is on the north side to best avoid the probles,


I would also suggest that the project is greater than 5000 lumens (if you can go for 10000) have a look at the barco range.


With the PA I would proberbly go for a bit more (eg 3k to 5k) if it have to cover 1500 people

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