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Does ESP Vision and Jands Vista PC work on Windows Vista?


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Does ESP Vision and Jands Vista PC work on Windows Vista?


I've been trying to get the two talking to each other, and decided to give it a shot at school. It works fine, but I think this is either one of two variables that have changed:

1) It works on XP, not at home on Windows Vista

2) I think the school has a static IP, wheres at home, I'm not to sure what I have.

However, the computers can't handle the graphic rendering and so I am trying to get on my home computer.


I was just wondering if you can get the two communicating via artnet on a Windows Vista PC? If you can, I may need a little bit of assistance trying to get it working. Just so everything is in the one post I'll confirm exactly what I am doing,


> Launched DMX-Workshop

> Launched Art-Net Viewer (I don't know if this actually does anything, but this is the exact same thing that I did on XP, where it worked)

> Launched Vista

> Loaded the ESP Demo Showfile


When I go into ESP vision and select artnet as the input source, another menu pops up saying, "Available NICs: Host Address Netmask:" (On XP the Host Address was different 172.something.... ) So then made the artnet broadcast address to 172... this didn't work at school, but then tried and it did. So now I've tried at home on Windows Vista, checked that no universes are connected, enabled artent, and launched ESP. And restarted everything tried a few times, swore loudly and then tried again.


Tried a few things, even though there was no obvious signs of connection: intensity, colour position etc. Still Nothing. (Did this about 15 times)


As you can see, I'm in a spot of bother here and would greatly appreciate any help



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Hi Spartacus,


If using the loopback address ( on a network card doesn't work, you can add a "Microsoft Loopback Adaptor" to your Network connections. You will then be able to get both VistaPC and ESP working happily together on the same PC by making a fake network adaptor that you can give a fixed ip address to.


To do this, you need to go to "Add new hardware" in Windows, and add a new Network adaptor "made" by Microsoft. It will allow the data that Vista is sending to be read by ESP, MSD, Wyg etc etc.






Neil Vann

AC Lighting


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  • 4 months later...



Just managed to get it working. The problem seems to be getting through Windows Vista's infamous firewall.


This may help someone in the future, so I'll post it anyway.


1) Use Elevated Administrator Privileges when running both Jands Vista and Vision.

2) Disable your firewall (use at own risk, my computer is not connected to the internet)

3) This was the last thing I tried, so I think this is what made it work. Go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall > Change Settings > Exceptions > Add Program. Then add Vision and click OK half dozen times.


Then I first opened Vista (using elevated Admin). Got artnet broadcasting, and then started Vision. Selected the input source as Artnet (DER!), and then turned the lights on. Not expecting anything to happen (as nothing has happened in six months) I was amazed to see them turn on, gave them a move they moved. Then shut everything down and started again. It worked!


NOTE: For whatever reason, the "viewer" goes black and I can't restart it after about 15 mins (This does NOT coincide with the 5s blackout from vista). I'm looking into that.


Thankyou to everyone for your help, without which I would have given up a long time ago.

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