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Subs under the stage?

Mark M

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Small stage, would prefer the 2 subs out of the way and was wondering if its ok to put them under the stage?


The stage isnt built yet so Im planning on building in access from the front and from the side to get access to them if needed.



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I guess it depends on what sub, how many, how loud, and the materials used.


In the right (lucky) scenario you'll have no real issues and it has potential to work quite well as well as get them out of the way, however in the wrong environment, you can create havoc upon the stage. So do be careful. If there is any way to test this before you settle on the idea then do so.

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I would +1 on the subs under the stage approach with a few additions. I would recommend running the subs on an aux. That way the only thing you should have in them is the kick, floor tom, bass guitar and maybe keyboards (assuming “normal” bands are playing)




Keep a gate or two handy and you should be laughing.




Putting them under the stage provides a number of benefits most of which already mentioned but it is worth noting that they also may produce slightly more output due to them coupling and also provide a more even coverage and reducing the appearance of a “power ally”




Peter - not the old fish and fiddle by any chance?

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Hey there


The main problems with subs under the stage are caused by hollow stages...... the sub hitting the resonant frequency of the under stage cavity. I have head of this space being filled with sand, Expanding foam, loft insulation material to kill the resonance. Also boxing in the subs at the rear and sides can help because none of the air under the stage will be directly effected. so If you put them in position and are having Feedback issues this may be why.... rip the stage surface up and get the cavity filled.


Even though subs is "omni directional" sitting subs side by side under a stage like this will effect the dispersion of the subs. which may help pull the sub off the walls..... I would line the subs up in position of where you intend to install them and have a listen. As has been said you will gain a little by placing them on the floor through coupling.


Hope that helps



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The trouble with the old subs are omnidirectional argument is when they get pushed. When you get into a "not enough rig for the gig" environment which we can all find ourselves in from time to time, you end up pushing the subs and you get alot of box and / or driver noise along with the actual program material you want. This on it's own isn't the end of the world and is usually quite manageable, but couple this with having a sub in a non uniform place compared to the rest of the system and this is where you tend to be able to "locate" where that part of the program is coming from. That said, under a stage at DSC shouldn't be a massive issue.



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