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DMX recorder for architectural project


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For a project I got going with the installation of several hundreds of meters of LED strings to a roof I have the needs for a DMX recorder that can trigger a list of lets say 12 scenes at certain times of day (reason to follow).


The LED strings cover the entire roof with a second roof made out of plexiglas diffusion submerged 40 cm down bellow it to provide a nice wash effect in the entire room. Its used as the primary source of light in the bar/club and thus needs to be in several different states during depending on what time of day it is. As it is now I have sett up a simple control solution for it using a PC based system with a chase that have programed these different scenes during the day. It also allows the staff to be able to go in with a color-picker and select a color for the entire roof if they would like to.  


The main problem is that the owners does not trust the staff to not mess this up and would like to have it all recorded on something that they can not mess up for sure. This leads me down the recorder path but the main problem I face here is : what if the device lose power? Surely once power is restored it would start the playback over again or from the last point, but what if it happens 3 hours later, the whole sync would then be out of order.


So im wondering if anyone knows of a DMX recorder that got some kind of a internal clock (like a normal computer) that it can trigger the scenes to so even if turned off or power is lost it will still know what time it is and change the scenes at the right time of day once switched back on or power is restored. I would be open to other solutions to this issue if someone should have a good one they would like to share.


Many thanks for any helpful inputs ;)



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Well, our lighting desk (Bullfrog) has an internal clock, and can recall memories at a certain time of day, and I assume would carry on doing this even if the power cycled (although it would probably be in the state at the time the power went off until the next cue was fired - I doubt it would compensate for cues that should have fired once power was off) so it's achieveable at least.


Just thinking out loud here, this might be a clumsy solution, but Zero 88 make a replay unit for show files saved on this range of desks - if you're lucky they might also work for timed cues, so you could program it on one of these desks (or the offline editor for one) and then load the show on the replay unit. A quick google says they are about £600, so it might be an expensive way of doing it, but it's a first suggestion.

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On first view several of the suggested products looks like what I was looking for so Im sure I will find something to go with once I had a closer look on them all.





Thanks a lot to all who have contributed so far ;)

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Maybe have a look into the chamsys software. I know they're plugging it in architectural applications at the moment, and if it can't do it at the moment, they might be able to make a later release do it.


Fortunately we can do it at the moment! If you run the software on the computer with a piece of our hardware connected over USB (wing, interface, etc), then you can use the scheduled events that are built into the software. Combine these with some cue stack macros and you can trigger some quite complex sequences. The way that I would do it would be to have one master stack with the scheduled events, each cue in the stack just triggers another cue stack by a macro so then you can leave any chases, stacks, fx etc running on that stack until the next cue on the scheduled stack triggers, fires the next sequence and releases the first.




Edit - should also mention the pixel mapping possibilities of the software - with a big LED array on the roof this would be an incredibly powerful tool. A couple of years ago we used it to program sequences over a giant starcloth which makes up the roof of a venue in London and it looked fantastic. Add on a couple of years of development to it and imagine what it can do now.. live video on the roof anyone?!

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Just to add my 2 pence worth.


I haven't used it but the Pharos certainly has the pedigree and is worth a look at. With the right interface you can update the programming via the internet.


Swisscom do a very nice DMX record/replay unit and that is worth looking at.


The final and cheaper than the Pharos option , I would look at and recommend the Color Kinetics Iplayer3, I have installed this product in a range of structures and I believe is exactly what you are looking for. You can record a series of programs that can be triggered at anytime you want. On/off at sunset/sunrise, LEd mapping and the list goes on. PM me if you want more information , help with programming etc. I really recommend this product if you can't afford Pharos.

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  • 2 years later...

Just to add my 2 pence worth.


I haven't used it but the Pharos certainly has the pedigree and is worth a look at. With the right interface you can update the programming via the internet.


Swisscom do a very nice DMX record/replay unit and that is worth looking at.


The final and cheaper than the Pharos option , I would look at and recommend the Color Kinetics Iplayer3, I have installed this product in a range of structures and I believe is exactly what you are looking for. You can record a series of programs that can be triggered at anytime you want. On/off at sunset/sunrise, LEd mapping and the list goes on. PM me if you want more information , help with programming etc. I really recommend this product if you can't afford Pharos.

As above, the iPlayer gives 5 buttons on the front of the unit to recall stored scenes but the effects programmed to time and date triggers will over ride these when it reaches the time to activate that effect. all controls other then the 5 preset buttons can be lock out with dip switch inside the rear of the controller. it can handle up to 2 universes and is fantastic value for money. you can download the programing software (colorplay) from here for free: ColorPlay

Forgot to add its memory is solid state and can be de-powered for at least 12 months before it has any chance of forgetting its programming.


Additionally you could also add a DMX switch over unit and add a ToBeTouched controller allowing direct control of color, saturation and brightness. it also has two presets which are programmed by holding the preset button for 4 or 5 sec's in the same sort of way you would program your radio presets in your car.

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