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how does this work?


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I want to make my own bins for the XP and that its cheaper...

so I was looking at Eminence omega pro 18c

800 watts (I asume thats RMS)

1600 program

now this is what what I cant get my head around:


Cone Displacement ( mm/Hz) with 200 watts

at 15Hz it is at 16mm which looks like max displacement

granted the 40 Hz and up looks fine, but this is still taken at 200watts

but I know "DJs" , if thay had these, would run them at 1600watts playing those bass sweeps on you tube.


I suppose thats what a high pass is for, but I did not know how vital they are.

im not looking for posts bashing Eminence, unless relivant:-)

thanks, rory


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200W - doesn't say anything about music. You'd probably find that the displacement from a 9V battery is quite impressive too. Physically overcoming inertia is easier at low frequencies, so the efficiency just goes up. As frequency increases, the efficiency drops off, back to levels common to loudspeakers, not solenoids - which at low frequencies is more like what speakers actually are.


ps No matter how much internal bracing you build in - add some more. Curing rattles and buzzes in big subs is more difficult that anything else. Even 18mm Ply and MDF can resonate pretty badly on any unbraced flat area. Biscuits, lots of glue and screws help - but even small screwed and glued battens on the larger panel areas really do help (and are often NOT mentioned in the plans).

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Read everything on the speaker plans website, particularly the "guide" section. Then read it again, and keep in mind the old carpenters mantra "Measure twice, cut once". Hope this helps



Edit to add : This is real life, not World of Warcraft or whatever your favourite computer game is at the moment. The word is experience, not XP!!!

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Edit to add : This is real life, not World of Warcraft or whatever your favourite computer game is at the moment. The word is experience, not XP!!!


Glad you said that, I was wondering how Mr Gates came into it! :)


ha ha sorry, I was very sleepy... -_-

I should have been clearer. HEY! I dont play stupid World of Warcraft on the computer.....

COD on the PS3. :P

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COD on the PS3. ;)


That's the one where you pitch your wits against a fleet of Spanish trawlers in a bid to secure sustainable fishing grounds, right? Great game.




does one need to line there bass reflex cabinet with any thing? one's very own duvet perhaps?


thanks rory

stop quoteing me! ;)

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I'm not sure that the purpose of the wadding is to warm the air. I've always been under the impression that the wadding forces the air inside the cabinet to take a longer path as it moves around, thereby making it appear that the volume is larger.


Anyway, as I said earlier the speakerplans.com website is a great resource. Here are Rog's tips on wadding (you'll need to scroll down the page a bit). The material you need is fibre glass insulation, but beware! Fibre glass is nasty stuff to work with. It sheds tiny glass particles which irritate the skin and can do serious damage if inhaled! Wear overalls, gloves, goggles, and a dust mask when working with the stuff.

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Fibre glass is nasty stuff to work with. It sheds tiny glass particles which irritate the skin and can do serious damage if inhaled! Wear overalls, gloves, goggles, and a dust mask when working with the stuff.


could I put the fiber glass into pillow cases as I dont like the stuff.

how much of an effect does it have on the volume? 1%? 5%?




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You're getting a little ahead of yourself aren't you? I take it you've decided on a design for your cabinet(s), and that you've built them, listened to them, and decided that they need stuffing with fibre glass??? If not, then have a look at the C Sub and the 184 Sub on the speakerplans website. I haven't built these cabs myself, but I trust Rog's knowledge and design skills. If you want to learn more about speaker design yourself, join the forum on the speakerplans website.
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