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series 500 problem


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When checking the batteries of one of our 500 series consoles, by mistake, we took the serial number rom. Now, the console does not have the networker software, and lost all the channels an attributes (only have 100).


Does anyone have an idea how to solve the problem? And what caused it (changing the batteries or temporarily removing the rom)?




João Guedes

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Have you tried a 220clean?


I had the same problem after my 530i was serviced 2 years ago.


Go into dos by shutting down the console. When you see the 'Safe to turn off' page press enter on the Keyboard.


Then type 220clean and press enter.

Follow all the instructions onscreen and do all the tests.


It will remove any show you last had loaded so you will need to reload the show when you restart the console.


I hope this helps.



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