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RGBA and RGBW Colour charts


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Hi Everyone,


Most of us have probably seen the RGB and CMY to Lee and Rosco charts that have been floating around on the net for ages, but I'm looking for ones for RGBA(mber) and RGBW(hite). Not necessarily to a specific manufacturers gel range but even just a generic list of colours would be good. Obviously I appreciate that each fixture will generate a slightly different colour for the same DMX values on the colour channels but just an approximation would be nice. A trawl of the net hasn't thrown anything up apart from a lot of RGB Alpha stuff for setting the opacity of colours on the net!


If anyone has any values for these, or some of the other weird and wonderful colour mixing arrangements out there (think ETC Selador..), then they would be very gratefully received!





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This sounds like a great idea but to be honest to create one of these would be be a job for a programmer, perhaps one of your programmers could create one as a freebie on your website, it would help drive people to your site.


I tried as an experiment to bodge an rgb one together in the wiki but it looked rubbish.



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I tried as an experiment to bodge an rgb one together in the wiki but it looked rubbish.



I wouldn't say that looks crap at all, only problem I can see is that it's wider than my screen resolution so I have to scroll across. I'm not that familiar with wiki code but I'm sure if it's possible to scale it down Bruce will know.


It's certainly very useful!

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