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Feedback and eq


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If you're going to use the feedback destroyer it might also be worth bussing the vocal mics (and any others likely to feed back) to a group on the desk and then putting the feedback destroyer on the inserts for that group. It then stops it doing anything daft on playback channels/synthesisers etc. Either way, knowing how to use the feedback destroyer is essential, set it to manual mode and ring it out before the service etc. to try and pre-empt any problems.
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My issue is not specifically with Bose but with the use of 802's. As somebody has already remarked they were a staple of the conference industry for many years, and that's really my point - when I started in the industry 20+ years ago it was using 802's (and they weren't new then). They've had their day and the majority of people have moved on to newer better technologies.

I don't have a problem with using Bose in a church, just not 802's - it's far too reverberant an environment to use something with such poor pattern control, I'd instead consider these, also manufactured by Bose.

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Why is church always a reverberant soundfield? I know of plenty that aren't.

Old church buildings maybe, but that is probably only 50% of UK churches.


That said, I still wouldn't advise going out to buy 802s. If you're have them or get them via some unmissable deal then fair enough, they work, they make noise.

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