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PS10s for Foldback


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Picked up a couple of pairs of PS10s that I intend to use as foldback monitors. I will be powering them from a Powersoft 4 x 1000W amp. Do I really need to use the processor for this?


Yes! The speakers are passive, the controller is an active device that 'knows' how much power the speaker can handle at a given frequency, measures the speaker's response and applies attenuation as needed. They are designed to work as a system, there's a very good chance you'll damage the speakers if you use them without the controller. Nexos don't go wrong very often but they are expensive to repair - I wouldn't take the chance.

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Picked up a couple of pairs of PS10s that I intend to use as foldback monitors. I will be powering them from a Powersoft 4 x 1000W amp. Do I really need to use the processor for this?


My old students union went without a controller for their ps8's for a while and whilst they eq'd them to sound fine and indeed had some (non nexo) limiting in there as well they still caught fire (literally). This was after several months of thrice weekly club nights and DJ's taking liberties with red lights but even so replaceing all the bits damaged in the fire (cross over, drivers, even the wadding in the box) was quite expensive. At that point they brought the nexo controller and have had no issue's since. No idea what amplification they had behind them.

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Try a search for a used ps10 controller, these are good box's you have here, so it would be a shame to spoil thier sound for the sake of circa £350.00 . and of course you will be making them reliable as they should be.
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PS10 controllers available s/hand from Concert Trade, LMC etc at a reasonable price.


I have 6 PS10's, for folk type gigs with low level monitoring I often don't use the processor, for louder bands and if you're putting bass or kick drum through then a good idea !

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I would say especially if you intend to use them as monitors. With small monitors like that I assume you are controlling it all from FOH, in that case the extra eq work you will need to do will be extra difficult. It is not going to be worth the saving on the controller for the hassle you are going to go through to sort it out.
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Just to let you all know that Alan Martin (are you out there Alan ?) who runs a PA company in Scotland: mainly Scottish traditional music, so not mega-levels on stage, uses them without processors, and you need less equ than you think. I know, I've used his system and not a huge amount of graphic needed, even with the quietest and fussiest well known Scottish folk singer going.
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