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Churchill Play


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What he said...........although I will charge more.


I'm assuming this is part of your lighting course. If you are having any difficulties ask your tutor That is what they are there for.


Seriously, if you ask 10 lighting designers to design a show you'll get 10 different designs.


None of them "right" none of them "wrong" just personal interpretations.


Start off by asking the director what his vision is. Ultimately it is his decision.

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Can you imagine how dull music would be if every composer used other pieces of music as a guide.


I've always found that the cast, the costumes, the staging and even just the venue are the things that excite me - new ideas, or maybe old ideas updated. I can't see the point in asking about other peoples ideas - that becomes a relight.


I guess it's ok to give us some of your ideas and let people use their knowledge to say "oh no ..... don't do that because" but using other peoples ideas is a visual form of plagiarism. Designers, composers, artists, dancers all generate ideas. No doubt they might use things they have seen or done before with adaption, but I can't really imagine a choreographer asking another dancer for details of what they did on the same show.


At first, I figured we'd just get the usual reply - you were looking for basic ideas, and wouldn't base your own design on them, but the more I think about it, the more I feel that the entire point of studying lighting design is to be able to generate your own ideas without any outside stimulus. I can't really imagine a painter with a blank canvas getting inspiration from somebody else's painting if they are good. If they can't generate their own ideas without drawing on other people's work, are they any good? If they're a bit devious, then I'm sure they will pinch the ideas, re-work them, and present them as a new unique product. I just can't imagine even devious people actually asking other people for their help in creating the design - this somehow devalues a qualification.


If you want to be an LD, you need vision.

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Hi guys, thankyou for your responses, my shoulders are broad enough to take constructive criticism and your comments are all taken as such ! The tutors on our course operate an 'open door policy' on subject related matters and are always available for advice, I simply thought that using this forum would be a good starting point for the project, there was never any intention of asking people to do the work for me, so my apologies if that is how I came across.


I completely agree that to be original, any designer should work from the ground upwards with a blank canvas so to speak and the comment that if I asked 10 designers their opinions, I would get 10 different responses was particularly helpful. Thankyou once again, I will try to target my questions more specifically in future !


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Hi guys, thankyou for your responses, my shoulders are broad enough to take constructive criticism and your comments are all taken as such ! The tutors on our course operate an 'open door policy' on subject related matters and are always available for advice, I simply thought that using this forum would be a good starting point for the project, there was never any intention of asking people to do the work for me, so my apologies if that is how I came across.


I completely agree that to be original, any designer should work from the ground upwards with a blank canvas so to speak and the comment that if I asked 10 designers their opinions, I would get 10 different responses was particularly helpful. Thankyou once again, I will try to target my questions more specifically in future !





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