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Insurance payouts on cancelled jobs - when to invoice?


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I'm looking for advice on the topic.


near the beginning of this year a 3 week block of work got cancelled at the last minute due to an illness within the band. I was paid an interim payment within one month on supply of invoice to that amount only and a balance - 60% of my tour fee - was paid out in August.


A similar situation arose in June, this time losing a week's work with the same organisation. I'm getting a bit concerned as I feel the production manager is constantly stalling me on information regarding this payout. I find it hard to believe the same insurance company are taking so long to reconcile the claim given that the circumstances are the same.


I contacted the PM last week and he has ignored the text and am unsure what to do next. My rate card says 60% of total invoice due if booking cancelled within 72 hours of contracted work commencing and I haven't rasied one yet. In light of the prevarication by this PM what should I do? Raise the invoice or just play the waiting game?


Advice and similar experiences appreciated.



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From personal experience the longer you wait to invoice the worse it gets - ask yourself what do you have to gain by stalling? Particularly at this time when it seems to take months to get any money out of anyone.

The fact that he is now blanking me totally with regard to this is annoying me and I may well raise the invoice on my terms this coming week. I've never experienced this before but am puzzled as to why the claim has not been reconciled though it is my belief that it has been and I'm being stonewalled. Anyone aware of any HMRC regs on thsi type of behaviour?

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Guest lightnix
From personal experience the longer you wait to invoice the worse it gets - ask yourself what do you have to gain by stalling? Particularly at this time when it seems to take months to get any money out of anyone.
I would have put in an invoice for the full 60% as soon as the booking was cancelled!

Don't wait around to be stuffed.

Without an invoice from you, the PM will not be able to claim on the insurance policy. Insurance companies do need to see proof of expenditure.

What they said. Get that invoice in right away. Every day you leave it, adds to the time it'll take to get the money where it belongs - in your account :stagecrew:


After all - business is business :huh:

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