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Can't get reverb right - HELP!


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We have connected up our Lexicon MX200 as detailed here http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showtopic=37585


The problem we have is that no matter what we try we can't get it sounding right.


The vocal audio doesn't sound natural...it almost sounds robotic.


The kind of effect we are trying to achieve it a nice natural sounding very large hall reverb.


We don't have any music, just vocals.


What are we doing wrong?

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How are you using the unit, i.e. how have you got it patched into your desk. Your cable routing may be a problem here as I have had phasing issues with a Lexicon unit when wired a certain way, they may/may not be your problem though. Can you expand at all?
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Analog in (left mono) on MX200 to EFX SEND ON MIXER


Analog out (left & right) on MX 200 to STEREO INPUT CHANNE 13/14 on mixer. Sliders for this channel set to 0.


In the MX200 settings it is set to mono as we don't have a stereo PA system.


MX200 Mix=full wet

MX200 Input level set to middle and the first input light only lights up

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Analog in (left mono) on MX200 to EFX SEND ON MIXER


Analog out (left & right) on MX 200 to STEREO INPUT CHANNE 13/14 on mixer. Sliders for this channel set to 0.


In the MX200 settings it is set to mono as we don't have a stereo PA system.


MX200 Mix=full wet

MX200 Input level set to middle and the first input light only lights up


How long is your reverb time set to? A short time can sound quite robotic.

Also, make sure the stereo channels aren't also routing to the EFX send as that would be creating a short delayed loop that could sound a bit robotic.

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The MX200 is 2 FX units in 1 case and there are 4 routing options . Each FX has a bypass button have you got one FX units on or both ? Personally I would select routing option 2 and put the red channel into bypass then try again .
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If your PA is mono. don't use both the L and R reverb returns, as many reverbs don't mix to mono gracefully. Just use the Left.


Double check that the mix is 100%.


Double check that the return channels are not feeding the bus that's feeding the verb.


Reduce the level of Early Reflections.


Increase the level of smoothing/diffusion.


Not too much bottom end or top end.

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Analog in (left mono) on MX200 to EFX SEND ON MIXER


Analog out (left & right) on MX 200 to STEREO INPUT CHANNE 13/14 on mixer. Sliders for this channel set to 0.


In the MX200 settings it is set to mono as we don't have a stereo PA system.


MX200 Mix=full wet

MX200 Input level set to middle and the first input light only lights up


How long is your reverb time set to? A short time can sound quite robotic.

Also, make sure the stereo channels aren't also routing to the EFX send as that would be creating a short delayed loop that could sound a bit robotic.


The reverb time is set to about 70. I'll double check the channels.



It would really help if we could hear the problem - diagnosing this by words alone makes no sense. Any chance you can place a bit of what you don't like on the net - maybe even a bit of video on youtube or similar?


If the suggestions given don't work I will post a sample.



That's a great idea. I was just thinking "if I was local I'd just go round and help out as this topic could go on for days".


Either that or take a couple of pics so we could maybe see what's wrong.


If the suggestions given don't work I will post a picture.



The MX200 is 2 FX units in 1 case and there are 4 routing options . Each FX has a bypass button have you got one FX units on or both ? Personally I would select routing option 2 and put the red channel into bypass then try again .


I have the second provessor bypassed but I will check the routing.



If your PA is mono. don't use both the L and R reverb returns, as many reverbs don't mix to mono gracefully. Just use the Left.


Double check that the mix is 100%.


Double check that the return channels are not feeding the bus that's feeding the verb.


Reduce the level of Early Reflections.


Increase the level of smoothing/diffusion.


Not too much bottom end or top end.


It is 100% wet. I will try using left only.


Thanks for all the replies.

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