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content of college course.

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so in september I started at a (not so local) college on a 'ND production arts' course. I chose it because out of the 2 college's I could get to this one had a fairly good reputation for its arts department and is an 'arts academy' college whereas the other college seemed to have little knowledge about what it was teaching.


when I started. I was told that they have taken out some of the units like make up and costume and replaced them with some of the film and media course units. I thought that this would be fine as Im not too keen on makeup and stuff like that. and have done a lot of work for a local filming company, so I'ld be able to do those units. They said that we would not gain knowledge on how to use the camera so much but would help the media guys by doing lighting for the sets and sound on the films which seemed like an okay thing.


It turns out that the course doesn't do many technical units at all; I've just finished one unit on making a suspense film; there was no lighting for it, or technical aspects. we were doing exactly the same as the media course.

Im friends with some of the second years who have just finished 3D modeling; they are on the technical course B-)


They have also said that I wont be gaining a ND. but instead 2 NA's


the college production is coming up, what a lovely chance to do something technical right? thats what we thought, but the college isn't allowing any students to do the technical side, their reason is that they don't want it ruined.


I really don't want to go in to film, its not what I enjoy doing. I came to college to do what I love doing and to make sure that I've not missed anything out from my self teaching that I've done over the years.

... that, and I would like to go to uni in the future.


I don't want all the enfusiasm (spelling?) I had, to go.


what can I do? if anything and what would you suggest I do? ;)

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Absolutely. If a course isn't what you want then you're wating your time there. Get out as quickly as possible and find somewhere that will take you, even though the year has already started. This is what happened to my god-daughter last year: she started a university course which turned out to be wrong for her. After much soul-searching she decided to try and move. She is now at a uni that she loves and doing really well. If she hadn't moved she'd have had three unhappy years and left with a degree that wasn't what she wanted. She made the right decision and the next uni respected her for it.


Only one further thought: you have spoken to your tutor, haven't you? You need to be sure you're right in your assumptions and that it's not going to change next week/term/year and suddenly become exactly what you wanted. Only your tutor will know that. Speak to him/her and share your worries. They will do their best to help. At the end of the day, if it's really not what you want even your tutor will suggest you find somewhere more appropriate for you.

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First move is to see your Tutor. Prepare accurately your list of expectations and the course schedule and note the differences, discus the course and your aspirations with your tutor. If there is no meeting of the course and your expectations then you need to find the course that you want very carefully and move to it. You may well have to move town or have a substantial commute, so consider how you would get home after a performance in an evening.
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Yep, talk to your tutor, you may want to take a parent with you and have a list of questions and concerns. Most tutors will be understanding and want what is best for you, they may even be able to help you find a more appropriate course.


Don't always believe everything that other students tell you I have a never ending list of things I have been told by students that are just wrong. I remember being told that 'everyone knew that me and my assistant were married' well we were but not to each other.

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