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Flame Retardent and a crazy idea


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Hey, two question rolled into one topic here..


1) What are the different kinds of flame retardent and what forms are they in? What can the gel be used for? Where can I buy them?


2) I'd like some input on a possible magic/fire trick I'm working on at the moment. Imagine a drinks bottle top, flat side on the table. On the inside is a small amount (1cm square) of kevlar/cotton wick. This is soaked with lighter fuel and lit. I want to be able to extinguish this flame with my bare hands. Now if this isnt possible, then I'll wear suitable gloves, but if anyone has some thoughts about this, then I'd love to hear them.


Many thanks



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Imo, the most dangerous aspect of this is if some of the lit lighter fuel gets on your hands, and continues to burn. In principle, the flame should just go out when you cover the air supply.


Worth a try probs. A subtle lick of your hands will protect them for about 2 secs max. I'm a bit confused bout lighter fuel - I mean, with a normal candle, you can put the flame out with dry fingers, if you're quick and clever. Not sure about lighter fuel tho.

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Alcohol and ether have cooler flames, ether a bit too volatile perhaps.keep the quantities small, dont let the metal container get hot enough to burn flesh.


Fire retardents are either radical traps (poly halogenated compounds that impede fire ) or thermal barriers such as the coting for expanded polystyrene.


Do some proper research into the use of water-gel as a damage limitation materiel in motor/fire/stunt work, and its availability in the UK.

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