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Future LS9 enhancements

dan slv-tech

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being an extensive user of the LS9- im out 3 - 4 times a week with it in different places, doing a variety of different jobs, there are as many know a few little snags with both the console and more so with the software.

Ive been in touch with Yamaha who are quite keen to listen to peoples ramblings and if enough people bring up the same issues (and they are do able) then yamaha are happy to listen and execute them.


A couple of issues ive raised so far are....


1) When labelling the LS9 or indeed SM (studio manager) Channel names, why is there only space for 5 characters- there indeed looks like you could get 8 in the assigned space.


2) Again, why is it not possible in SM, when in the "view Selected channel" screen that the auxes are labell-able? really would help when sending signals to auxes- I could get rid of the crib sheet then!


3) Why cant I control Delay lines from SM- I admittedly use my laptop wirelessly when at jobs, and whilst I can mix from anywhere in the vacinity (at a muso wedge position controlling/ building his mix) I cant be doing delay lines or center clusters.


4) Wouldnt it be nice to be able to "full size" various screens in SM- instead of squinting- have a 17" screen, but most of the windows in SM only use about 50% of the actual screen size.


5) In SM you can have the screen to show "metering"- again wouldnt it be great to have your meter screen labelled with whats on each channel?


6) Again on each channel you can have a "direct out" assigned- currently you can only have one OP routed from each channel (not the same OP) why not have the capability of being able to route IP to any multiple OP, so as to be able to build another mix bus- you can do it everywhere else on the desk- my thinking is you could use it as a recording out, therefore not using up any of your auxes, and what would be even better would be that you could route the direct out to the USB stick- thus you can build an albeit mono mix that was variable in levels to the on board USB stick.


7) On SM you can view your patch list after you have methodically gone thru the desk setting up your routings and labelling them- why oh why can you not print this from your PC- I have to print screen and shove it into word then print it- smaller image, not so good quality- would it really be that hard to put in a print option? would help immensley with riggers and patching.


Yamaha already know of these possible "wouldn't this be great options"


My question is does any one else agree on the above? and what further enhancements would you like to see (please keep them within the realms of possiblity- note that desk like any desk has limitations)


many thanks



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All very good ideas...and not just for the LS9. A lot of these also apply to other Yamaha digital mixers.


I had correspondence with Yamaha way back when about controlling delays from SM--I can't recall why they said this wouldn't happen but confirm they said it was a no-no. This is unfortunate because the ability to set delays from my wireless link would be a big time saver quite often.


The other big bugbear for me would be the lack of ability to size windows in SM--adding this would ease the workflow (or at least eyestrain in my aging sockets) greatly.



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most usefull thing on the LS9-16 would be a little lite socket and another slot would be handy with the immanent release of the Dante card


I think these imissions are simply a cost thing- if you want another slot, then buy a 32 frame- and yes a I suppose a littlelite would have been nice, not exactly a huge cost.

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I think the 5 character labelling is a hangover from 01V96 era, as you can't see more than 5 characters per channel on the 01V96's screen layout, and also being as old as it is it may well have been a memory saving exercise.


No reason they couldn't make it more than 5 characters in SM and crop them for 01V96 though.

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We all have our "default" or regular compressor settings, effects setting we like and maybe particular EQ settings for wedges and inputs etc but wouldn't it be great if we could have the ability to save and recall these particular settings to and from the usb stick like on the ilive. Without loading an entire show file of course.



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most usefull thing on the LS9-16 would be a little lite socket and another slot would be handy with the immanent release of the Dante card
I think these imissions are simply a cost thing- if you want another slot, then buy a 32 frame- and yes a I suppose a littlelite would have been nice, not exactly a huge cost.
Instead of a LittleLite, try this: http://www.mightybright.com/Music_Lights/9...ductDetail.html


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Lots of good ideas here. Here's mine (I'd have more, but I've not yet used the console - purchase is in the pipeline):


Channel Library!


The ability to save to EQ (etc.) Library in SM w/o a console connected (or am I missing something?)


To heck with the graphic EQs, I want effects in those rack slots, so I can have more than four multi-band compressors (I have a good hardware effects processor I can use if I need effects).


The color selections for the channel labels do not include all of the the EIA standard colors. And more colors yet would be nice.

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The one thing I miss off the LS9 compared to the old 01V/DM series is the MIDI String output from User Defined keys. You can't use the UD keys for MIDI control of playback systems etc any more (other than the internal playback engine.)



I think this is because SM uses MIDI via the ethernet port to control the paremeters of the desk-?


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most usefull thing on the LS9-16 would be a little lite socket and another slot would be handy with the immanent release of the Dante card
I think these imissions are simply a cost thing- if you want another slot, then buy a 32 frame- and yes a I suppose a littlelite would have been nice, not exactly a huge cost.
Instead of a LittleLite, try this: http://www.mightybright.com/Music_Lights/9...ductDetail.html


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Lots of good ideas here. Here's mine (I'd have more, but I've not yet used the console - purchase is in the pipeline):


Channel Library!


The ability to save to EQ (etc.) Library in SM w/o a console connected (or am I missing something?) -

I cant really see what good building random EQ plots offline would be- you wouldnt be able to tell what they sound like until there connected to the desk/EQ anyhow- or am I missing something here?

To heck with the graphic EQs, I want effects in those rack slots, so I can have more than four multi-band compressors (I have a good hardware effects processor I can use if I need effects).

Again I cant see why youd want more than one Multiband comressor? - I use an external one across the mix just to keep things tidy (XTA D2) although the one on the desk does an equally good job, I just find the D2 easier to use- although to be fair ive not really used the on board one enough.


The color selections for the channel labels do not include all of the the EIA standard colors. And more colors yet would be nice.

Would a full colour pallet really make much difference? Id like to see more colours then I could use colour association a bit more..... Id agree I dont like the choice of colours :o

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Can you not re-assign the rack slots to give more effects units? I'm not sure the SM control interferes with the MIDI out from UD keys, as the desk generates MIDI from a lot of other actions - it's just that you can't have a MIDI output on cue any more. We used to use it for controlling G-Type / QLab / etc on the DM series but we can't with the LS9.
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The one thing I miss off the LS9 compared to the old 01V/DM series is the MIDI String output from User Defined keys. You can't use the UD keys for MIDI control of playback systems etc any more (other than the internal playback engine.)



Hear Hear!


Very sad to lose that as a feature from the 01v days

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