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Multi-Track Recording


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Hi guys

Before I start, sorry if this is a super-novice question, or if it has already been asked. I checked but couldn't find anything.


I do a fair bit of recording, and have a MacBook Pro, a Behringer mixer, a USB-audio interface (only 1 channel in and out) and all the necessary cabling. I would like to be able to do multi-track recording, as the software on my Mac (garageband and soon to be Logic :) ) can support it and it would be much easier and more convenient than multi-take recording.


I am aware that digital desks send out, via USB, Firewire or MIDI, each physical channel as a virtual channel. I would like this feature, but can't really afford a fully-digital desk. I was wondering if there was any semi-digital desks, or even analogue desks (although I doubt this! :) ) that could send out more than 1 channel of audio, simultaneously.


If anyone knows of anything, or even any other devices that could do this, then I would be very grateful.


Thanks, and I apologise again for the novice question :up:,


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if the desk youve got has insert points on the channels then a modified insert lead will give you an output from each channel,as will a direct out.


No, it doesn't. I bought it a few years ago, and I wasn't sure if I would use it much, therefore I bought a pretty cheap one. It has the minimum of features, no inserts, no direct outs, 1 subgroup, no built in FX e.t.c.

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You can get desks with a usb interface built in

I.e http://www.studiospares.com/Mixers-Analogu...B-2/invt/385240 (will do 8 mic channels +line channels)


Brilliant, thanks. That's exactly what I want. So will it send all 8 mic channels as a separate signal?


Yep....also similar things available from other manufacturers.

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Brilliant, thanks to everyone that posted. I will research the different possibilities and see what I can afford! :)



Edit: Also, what is the generic term for this type of desk (semi-digital, acoustic e.t.c.) so I can search it on ebay?


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