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Sound, Light & Event tech @ Derby uni

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sweeet, same matey. Can't wait to get my hands dirty! Where abouts are you from?


I'm commuting from Shepshed (Leicestershire) everyday in an attempt to minimise the debt.


Are you doing 3 or 4 years? Everyone I've met so far is doing the 4 year foundation, so I'm yet to meet someone in the same situation as me.


For the first time in 3 years, I'm not!


Is that a good feeling or a bad one? :)


Would be interesting to find out what your up to now Jon and if you've got any advice as well as drinking lots of beer.



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  • 3 months later...

I've been thinkingg about applying for this course next year to go after a gap year becuase I didnt know what I wanted to study. Has anyone got any veiws on what the course is like? Whats the social side of derby like? Is the course challengeing? Difficult? Boring? Exciting?


Cheers, James

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Hi, James,


Hopefully, you will get some feedback from SLLET students, as they will be able to give their honest appraisal!


However, I believe that the course has a good academic challenge (it's an accredited Engineering degree), could at times be seen as difficult, but has a sufficently broad approach to entertainment technology to provide you with a range of employment options. Our graduates are working in many sectors - e.g. hire, freelance, design, technical sales & support, touring, broadcast, manufacturing, research, consultancy etc.


Please feel free to ask any questions via PM - lest this becomes an 'advert' and gets zapped!


Simon Lewis, Programme Leader, SLLET

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Quite simply worked for me,


and a few of my friends within one year of leaving the course have gained very good jobs / careers due to how they have applied the knowledge gained from SLLET.....including tours with some very high profile artists and also good influential positions in some large companies.


Note: This course gives you a lot of extremely good, USEFUL knowledge, but not the right to be a 'top dog' in the industry..... Simon Lewis and his 'crew' will give you x amount of knowledge, only you can turn that into the next rung on the ladder.


And the early learning centre (I mean library) is actually a good place to spend sometime in


again search for previous statements or PM me for more info

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