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Maglite RIP?

James C

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Well, maybe best suited to the General forum - I'll leave that to a moderator to decide!


A long shot this... Does anyone know of a solvent that will eat away at the battery gunk currently devouring the insides of my Maglite? I'm a bit loathe to part with it, so any bright ideas that won't dissolve my Maglite, workbench or fingers greatly appreciated!


I see I'm not allowed Capitals in the heading - obviously should read: Maglite RIP!!!

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Guest lightnix

I saw black Mini Mags on sale in our local Homebase the other week for just under £7, with other colours for about £12


On the other hand, if you can wait a couple of weeks, there will be some "exciting torch news" posted around various forums and elsewhere - watch this space :rolleyes:

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Well that was dissapointing... I was hoping this topic was all about some well engineered LED alternative.

Y'see, I got a little LED torch with 3 hi-intensity white LEDs, and so far the batteries have lasted 3 months (3xAAA.) It doesn't get hot and doesn't blow bulbs... unfortunately, despite the intrinsic ruggedness of LEDs it lacks the maglite's solidity (plastic body). And the LED doesn't quite have the throw of the maglite beam. But soon... soon...

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LED Torches...yes, I like the idea..


Check out http://www.efx.co.uk in the "hyperactive" section they have a "Fliklite" torch, with an aluminium body. You flick it to turn it on or off...which will appeal to those who have Gerber's, I'm sure...




http://www.opalec.com do conversion kits for Maglites to turn them into LED torches that use normal batteries, and still fit in your pouch etc etc. They're US only at present, but say they'll ship to the UK.


I'm still trying to make my mind up...perhaps Lightnix has further news that will help me decide...?

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Check out http://www.efx.co.uk in the "hyperactive" section they have a "Fliklite" torch, with an aluminium body.  You flick it to turn it on or off...which will appeal to those who have Gerber's, I'm sure...




http://www.opalec.com do conversion kits for Maglites to turn them into LED torches that use normal batteries, and still fit in your pouch etc etc.  They're US only at present, but say they'll ship to the UK.


I'm still trying to make my mind up...perhaps Lightnix has further news that will help me decide...?

I read a magazine snippet about the Fliklite recently - apparently the flicking mechanism wasn't very reliable in the flesh.


I await both Lightnix' news and Bryson's LED review with baited bear...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Check Out 7 Day Shop

They have a converter kit for a Maglite AA that uses 3 White LEDs. I'm not sure about the brightness B) but the unit is expensive (about £18) I'm toying with the idea at the moment. If I get one I'll let you know how it works.


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Guest Stuart B
A long shot this... Does anyone know of a solvent that will eat away at the battery gunk currently devouring the insides of my Maglite?

Received wisdom up here suggests that it is regrettably time for Maglite closure, as the Americans might say.


If the battery that has leaked is an alkaline one, and if the electrolyte has leaked (both the most likely scenarios we can think of), then most likely potassium hydroxide has got into the innards. The innards are of course aluminium, and caustic stuff apparently has an affinity for that. The only thing we could think of was to rinse the inside out with vinegar - say, dilute 1:1 with water, and repeat - in order to try to neutralise the leaked electrolyte. Rubber gloves and eye protection might be considered worthwhile.


If it works, this will only arrest the progress of the gunk, and will not restore the interior.


It is 25 years since I last sat in a chemistry class.

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The Led retrofit kit for AA maglite is available in this country from www.7dayshop.com they are about £17.99 the last time I looked.


Or if you are looking for a maglite replacement look at the lightwave 2000 from http://www.mountain-equipment.co.uk/lucido...do/torches.html

I have had one of these for 2 years and am only on my third set of batteries, the light output is better than a maglite (not as yellow) and the batteries will last upto 14 days if you leave it on. A must for all us poorly paid technicians...


Hope this is of use



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  • 1 month later...

Maglite RIP?


Not mine...I bought an LED retrofit kit...which I love, and I thought I'd review it for y'all.



Basically, it's a little bit of kit that replaces the bulb, reflector and a bit of redundant plastic in your Mag, with a tiny circuitboard full of stuff, plus 3 bright white LEDs and a tiny red one. The white LEDs are marginally less bright than a brand new bulb and batteries in a mag...but...they stay that way for absolutely ages. They're definately brighter than my colleagues mags with older bulbs in. The light you get is slightly more diffuse, but quite even, with no nasty rings or lines. The only thing you can't do is focus it...it's fixed beam only.


It's great for: Looking at what's in front of you on the floor in a dark backstage, or working on something close up. It's not so good for pointing stuff out over long distances, or spotting things in the grid - it's not narrow and directional enough. The light is also a pleasing blue/white rather than the nasty yellow mags give you. All this and it's still that maglite you've had for years!


The battery life is drastically improved - and because it's voltage regulated (ie - it's the same brightness, no matter the state of the battery) you can use it with batteries that don't work in anything else... When the batteries really are running down, the little red led comes on to tell you - but you can still get a days use out of the torch before the white LEDs go out!


I think what I'm trying to say is: I like it. It is a good thing.


You can get them from:


Wavicle -which is Lightnix's company (no financial ties there - in fact I recommended the thing to him...)




7 Day Shop


but: Lightnix is cheaper...and he's one of us....and he owes me big, now :)

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Guest lightnix
Thank you very much Sir, I've put a pint in the post for you. Careful not to spill it when you open the envelope :)
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Dear All,


To anybody that really gets off on torches (Sapphire glass lens, body hewn out of a chunk of pure military-grade unobtanium, hand-tooled mother-of-pearl inlay etc. etc.) would do no better than to look at www.surefire.com


They even do machine gun mounting kits and stuff like that. All at a price.


I'll see if I can figure out how to post a link on this forum....






See if this works: American Surefire site

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