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Hi Guys n Girls.


I'm looking to buy and inclinometer for setting up Line Array systems, a friend of mine has a reasonably priced one made by a company (he thinks) called laserline. Although googling brings no joy. Does anyone have any suggestions for a cheapish laser inclinometer?






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I've used one of these for 10 years and it's been very reliable. I have not used it for kelping PA systems, so can't comment on how good it would be for that application;


Solatronic Electronic Inclinometer


I have also seen people using a more manual system (with spirit level) like this for PA systems;


Sola Manual Inclinometer


The links are to Radio Spares not known as the cheapest source of tools - but at least you've got a reference to search against.





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I've been using the Solartronic Inclinometer that Piers mentioned for a few years to check array frame angles and it works reasonably well providing you can reach the top of the array once all the boxes are on. On large arrays, Pro Sight is about your only option....but thats not a cheap option.


Alternatively, some of the newer Leica Distos have inclinometers built in which might be an option.

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I've had one of theese for many years, they come with many different OEM names. I'm not sure which one is the original.

Google PRO 360 gives you loads of results.


If you need remote read-out Reiker makes a nice "line array" package, at a reasonable price. RAD2-AV I think it was.




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  • 1 year later...

If you are still looking, I have some for sale at good prices. Drop me an email or message me.



Cheers, Ben




I've had one of theese for many years, they come with many different OEM names. I'm not sure which one is the original.

Google PRO 360 gives you loads of results.


If you need remote read-out Reiker makes a nice "line array" package, at a reasonable price. RAD2-AV I think it was.




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And further, in that time the "App" concept has developed to a point where I doubt many people would by a dedicated tool either.


I dunno I still see a fair few pro sight kits out there but that may just be a sign that they are very reliable.

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Reading the thread, it seems to me like your after a bolt on inclo you can read the angle on the ground. But for a hand held inclo thats really useful, I use the ASL165. Its great to check built arrays before you send them up in the air, measuring rooms etc.. etc... Can't recomend it highly enough.



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