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Video and Live feed software


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Hi All,


I am starting thinking about a halloween party, we normaly have the intro to trap door (the part with the eyes for anyone that remembers it) playing on a projector pointing at the ceiling. This year we thought we would actually do some filming to have something a bit different.


Rather than doing a long film we are just gonna film a few couple of minute long clips and have them looping. I then started thinking about reslume which I remember using a few years ago and plugging a live feed camera into it and putting one of the effects on it.


I was wondering if anyone knew of a program that can do effects like resolume can on a live feed but where we can cue a play list up, so we could have a few of the film clips on a loop and then switching to live feed every now and again so we dont have to have someone controlling it.


Does anyone know of such a program (ideally free)




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Take a look at audiovisualizers and vjcentral


They both have good lists of VJ type software. If you have something like resolume then you could trigger it from another program (e.g. a MIDI sequencer or a show control program) You may need another PC or use something like MIDIYoke to internally route the signal. Some apps will trigger from DMX (you might have a lighting desk and a DMX dongle lying around?!) Resolume can be triggered via ARTNet. To be honest there are loads of possible ways of achieving your goal and it partly depends upon what you have available.

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Indolently I am looking for something similar. I want to have maybe 20 "cues" of video's that will be media player or something looping , and then be able to dump text over the top as song tags.


I do however ideally want to link the video to the sound so it is like media player. Any advice on programs for that?

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For anyone intrested I found a solution to my problem. The plan is to make a few shot films and just put some black on the end to space them out. I have been playing with a trial of after effects and found out that if I put the films on the timeline but space them out after effects makes the gap transparent, if I then render them as a .mov file with rgb+alpha settings I can import them into resolume and put them on the second layer with and put the opacity up to 100 and turn the alpha transparent thing on and then the live video on the 1st layer when it gets to a transparent section the live feed will come through.


Hopefully that makes sense, it does in my mind <_<



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Arkaos will do what you are wanting , but not cheap




related lighting control for halloween


take a look at "Vixen"


free download , but you need DMX dongle to run lights via DMX


aimed at those sound to light xmas displays but can be adapted.


takes a bit of programming but will loop lighting to background music/audio track.

think it has video capability but need to check on that one.


google it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm also looking for something similar - I've got a spare PC (2.8, 2GB ram with a 2*DVI out Graphics card) which I'm hoping to make a stand-alone video cue system out of, to be tied into our existing cue systems, preferably remotely triggered by MIDI. I'd be happy to deploy Windows (XP) or Linux on this PC, and am hoping to find some appropriate software.


I've got some budget for hardware purchases if they are needed, but generally I'd rather find an open source solution than spend too much budget on software.


[Edit]: Just to clarify, this is really only for triggered video playback, I don't see us needing live feeds on it. [/edit]

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