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A good moving light desk


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Hey guys,


my school is re-vamping up our school hall with new lights and we are also having two moving heads (wooo!). There is a bit of umming and arrrring about whether or not to get a new desk. Personally, I don’t see how you can run 2 movers (Probably Mac 250s) and about 30 other lights of an (wait for it...!) Alcora 12/24!!! So I thought I would ask you guys if you knew of any decent lighting desks that would run movers and standard lights. This is a school that we are talking about so we can’t be spending thousands on the desk (shame!).


Thanks for your help,



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A fat frog is probably the cheapest half decent moving light capable desk you'll get, if bought second hand. You might get one for under £1500 if you're lucky.


They're not great desks but they work.


If buying new then consider the Jester ML setup.


I've heard of schools that have had great success with Jands Vista, which has a very visual based user interface. The cheapest decent setup would be around £1500 for this though (DMX usb device, 128ch dongle, decent PC and touchscreen). Ideally you would aid a fader or programming wing.

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A fat frog is probably the cheapest half decent moving light capable desk you'll get, if bought second hand. You might get one for under £1500 if you're lucky.


They're not great desks but they work.


If buying new then consider the Jester ML setup.


I've heard of schools that have had great success with Jands Vista, which has a very visual based user interface. The cheapest decent setup would be around £1500 for this though (DMX usb device, 128ch dongle, decent PC and touchscreen). Ideally you would aid a fader or programming wing.


If I had a choice between the vista or JesterML I would go vista any day of the week! (This is a personal preference but I find it a far superior desk and will give you much more) You dont need a touch screen to run it, a mouse works just as well and would give you the money to get something like an M1 wing



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Do you know which Jands vista would be best for a school, eg, cheepest? which model? and prices and suppliers?




AC Lighting.


But be warned... Prices are here to... http://www.ac-et.com/products/control.htm


I would strongly suggest you look at the Jester ML range from Zero 88. I put one in our school before I left. The Tech manager knows how to use it depsite he isnt a lighting guy. It will do movers, its simple to use and easy to learn. Bear in mind, you cant just pick something you like... it has to last for generations of students after you...


Have a look around Plasa...

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Do you know which Jands vista would be best for a school, eg, cheepest? which model? and prices and suppliers?




The nice thing about the vista is that its the same software for all the desks. The best way I would see for a school would involve buying a PC or laptop to run it, and then depending on budget either an M1 or S1 desk with a 128 dongle as you havent stated needing anymore channels than this. The m1 and dongle will set you back £750, leaving a nice budget left for a PC compared to the ML24 at £1675. These are just list prices, if you ask nicely they can often do you a deal



AC Lighting.


But be warned... Prices are here to... http://www.ac-et.com/products/control.htm


Im warned...but I dont understand why

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I add my voice to the jester. haven't used the ML but the non-ML version took me all of 5 minutes to get up and running with, back when I had little lighting desk experience. nearly all the problems / things I didn't know were covered by the onboard help. I would say this is a fantastic, idiotproof (well, within reason) desk for schools ect.
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Im warned...but I dont understand why


Because I dont think Vista's suit schools. Thats why. A good simple desk is all they need and I think a computer based system will bring nothing but trouble.


Nothing to do with AC's prices... just the choice of Vista. AC are great... but also look at what other desks they sell. WHy pay for features you will never need/use??



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Element? Made for this type of application and has moving light controls for a small amount of Itellegent Fixtures. Also if need be, you hire more movers and require a more complex programming desk, it would be easy to step up to the ION
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Whilst I share the reservations about computer based systems within a school, I have seen non-technical types attempt to use an Express and a Vista (same event different years), and almost everyone could get lights on and to desired levels with the vista, thanks to its visual user interface. People struggled with the express as it required command line entry.


If setup properly then locked down (physically and software-wise) there is no reason a vista solution would cause any problems (after all a Strand 300 is a PC and control surface).

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I am guessing up to 1500.


Without knowing the price, we cannot offer any solutions. with that budget your not going to get any of the above, the closet is the Jester 24 ML, controlling 24 dimmers and 30 ML's listed at 1,099 From Stage Electrics


The smartfade ML might be an option, up to 24 ML's and 48 dimmers but thats at £1,900. It's very easy to use, I'm working on the ETC stand doing product demonstrations it at plasa and picked it up within 2 hours.



(after all a Strand 300 is a PC and control surface).


Most desk run off PC, the 300 and 500 series ran off dos and the likes of EOS/Ion/Element run of XP ect.

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