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SSR or SAE ....

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Right then I have seen the SAE discussed on hear at length good and bad points!..


I would like a bit of open and honest advice on ether of these two courses:


SAE - "Audio Engineering Program" (Diploma -> Degree -> Masters)


SSR - "Audio Engineering Techniques and Technology" (for the full 24 month course)


I am aware that although in having ether of these courses under my belt alone will not give me the best 100% opportunity to pursue my career so I will be taking on as much experience and jobs that I can find to widen my knowledge and build upon what I am doing in the course, and to give me the best chance of securing a good career in the future.


The direction that I will be hoping to take after the end of the course would be towards the Live side of things, although nether of these courses are directed primarily towards the live sound but both cover it. So this is where the work outside the course would be mainly be directed towards to even up the education and to help to add more to my case when applying for jobs


Any thoughts and advice is welcome!



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SAE have made their name in studio sound, but have broadened their horizons. The consensus seems to be excellent equipment, but that the courses come at a price. It looks like you have read the previous posts on this provider. However, you need to visit their facilities and make up your own mind, rather than relying on internet comments.


SSR have an excellent live facility and vocational training. I have not seen course material so cannot comment on the theory side. A number of their courses are now available as degree programmes in conjunction with Bolton Uni. I believe this is a new venture for SSR.


Depending on whether you wish to study just sound, or want a broader view of event technology, you may wish to consider courses at Glamorgan or the University of Derby. I'm programme leader for the BSc (Hons) Sound, Light and Live Event Technology programme at Derby, and I'd be happy to show you round and discuss what we do.



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As an ex-student of Simon's please feel free to PM me for my opinions of the course (or search back through the archives, I've given them several times), or to ask any questions about the course that would be better answered by an ex-student than a lecturer.
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Thanks for the Reply Simon, I will have look into the two options that you have mentioned and get back to you with any questions I can think of on your course. Have the open day of the SAE tomorrow so will have to have a look there and see if I think it is a good option for me.


I know a few people on the SSR course and they seem to feel that there is a good balance between the studio and the Live side of things.


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There's also the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, who do an all-encompassing BA in Sound Technology, which looks to include a fair segment of live sound. I would also recommend looking at Simon's course at the University of Derby from what I have seen of it.
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