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FOH Facelights Dilemma


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The theatre we are hiring has a standard rig of SIL15 on the FOH bridge, and 5 across will just about cover faces properly which fits what the production needs generally. However I also have a mixed bag of S4 and SL made available at the last minute which I could substitute, but not five the same! Configurations I could setup instead of the SILS are:

SL15/32 SL15/32 S4/26(750) SL15/32 SL15/32

SL15/32 S4/26(750) SL15/32 S4/26(750) SL15/32

SL15/32 SL15/32 S4Jnr26 SL15/32 SL15/32


The kitbag consists of 4 x SL15/32, 1 x S4Jnr/26, 2 x S4/19 750 (too narrow), 2 x S4/26 750, and 1 x S4/36 750 (too wide). Each lantern will have its own dimmer and will be gelled L136.


Do any of these combinations make any sense, or should I stick with the SIL15s?


Thanks -- Peter

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As long as the Sils are in reasonable condition (clean and well-alignedmoptics so that you get pas much light as possible out of them, and with shutters and lenses that move and lock off well enough to be as easy to focus as a Sil will ever be!), then I'd say stick with them. The time you'd spend de-rigging the Sils and hauling the other kit up to the bridge and rigging it could quite possibly be better spent on other things. You can also use the extra kit you've accquired for other things - and SLs and S4s are smaller and lighter (therefore easier to rig and less visually offensive in exposed rigging positions) than the Sil15s that you'd free up from FOH.
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An exceedingly good rule of thumb for touring to venues you dont know is: "dont mess with the FOH". They know their venue better than you do. They work there every day. Just trust that the FOH will do the business, and worry about over the stage instead.
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Take them with you. Go to the venue. Ask to see the FOH wash, then decide wether or not you need them in FOH. SOME venues have great FOH focusses, and some.....do not.

Will - we are in the theatre now. The SIL15s are working better than I expected and easily cover up to LX1. I had double banked them to allow a second set to increase illumination if they were dim but instead can use them them to warm the extreme DS. However actors arrive tomorrow so will check how it looks on them.


The mixed SL and S4 were redeployed for multiple gobos and specials - as recommended earlier - and look really good.


Actors arrive tomorrow...

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