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Software character / caption generator

Guest lightnix

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Guest lightnix

Can anyone recommend a simple, software based caption / character generator, which can produce a band of plain, horizontally scrolling text?


Once I have the caption sorted, I want to take the DVI output from my computer, whack it through our PixelGate interface (to convert it to ArtNet) and then display it on our LED panels.


I can do that last bit, no problem - I just need some scrolly text software :)


A :D search has thrown up Cayman Graphics and MagicSoft as possible contenders - any other suggestions?

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Can anyone recommend a simple, software based caption / character generator, which can produce a band of plain, horizontally scrolling text?


Once I have the caption sorted, I want to take the DVI output from my computer, whack it through our PixelGate interface (to convert it to ArtNet) and then display it on our LED panels.


I can do that last bit, no problem - I just need some scrolly text software :)


A :D search has thrown up Cayman Graphics and MagicSoft as possible contenders - any other suggestions?


One (crude) option might be to create an html page with some scrolling text in it. Load this html page full screen on the display you are outputting from and voila!


You could even code the html file to refresh every 30 secs, then you have the option to edit the file, save the changes and then the next time the page refreshes the changes would load.


A long way from being clever, advanced or pretty, but if you have little or no budget/time etc then it might do the job?

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I've hacked something together. Give it a go and see if it is what you need.


Download scrollyText.zip from here


Open the zip file and extract the appropriate application. folder (windows, OSX or Linux)


You will need to have Java installed.


Run the executable (e.g. scrollyText.exe in windows)


Wait for a few seconds for java to initialise everything


You should get some black scrolling text on a white background.


Hit ESC to quit.


If this is the sort of thing you need, let me know and I'll tidy up the code and make it more friendly


Use at your own risk. No warranties etc. etc.

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I was just about to suggest using Processing to knock something up, but it looks like someone kinder than myself actually did it :rolleyes:. For reference, if you're on a mac you can also use Quartz Composer to knock something up fairly quickly.
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If you need to be able to change the text on the Fly, an XML and HTML file and a bit of Javascript will do what you need.


Launch the HTML File in your browser of choice and then full screen the browser in the 2nd window. Open the XML file in Notepad and just save it to change the next on the Screen.


I've got one knocked up somewhere that I use for "shout outs" while DJing sometimes.


If you want a copy, I'll be happy to send you over a zip with customisations.



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