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AC Lighting - or AC ET or whatever


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I've put this here rather than in Lighting. I've just got a new backup battery for my old Jands Hog 600, and after soldering it it in, did the 'deep clean' as advised in the service manual, and all was well until I discovered the PIG button didn't work. A quick Google brought up a Blue Room ancient topic where very annoyingly, I'd had this problem before after doing a deep clean. Even more annoyingly, a few posts later, I posted saying I'd sorted it - but I didn't say how! Rather than compound my stupidity in not writing it down last time, I phoned AC, and they were really helpful. The tech guy I spoke to didn't have any personal experience of this, but went off and came up with two codes to type in 01 and 02, into a little sub menu for telling the CPU board what control surface was connected - they all have the same board, but different fader combinations. The serial number of the desk suggested 01, and it worked!


It's really nice when people in service departments offer service like this. In my experience, it's rather uncommon - so I thought I'd share the good service I just received. We do slag firms off quite a lot for not going the extra mile when no money is involved, so to find the opposite was really good.


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AC have always been great in my experience.


When I was having some trouble getting a Jands Vista to respond to serial I posted here and they posted back 5 mins later with the phone number for their Vista expert.

They've also sorted us out at some unhealthy hour when we were having some trouble with some GLP Impressions on a Vista.


Top notch company!

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Well, as long as we're saying nice things, I've bought Yamaha digital audio boards and other sound related stuff through AC and have always been extremely pleased with the service. Their Yamaha expert really lives up to the name...



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Is it allowed to praise other service departments? We had a problem with the fader calibration on our LS9, three years after purchase, and Dave Dine at Yamaha sent us a replacement fader board without charge (as long as we returned the faulty one). That's the kind of thing that makes you glad to have invested in a reputable manufacturer.
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I think we're lucky to work in a business serviced by companies who, by and large, understand the value of timely and effective technical support. The kind of backup that we receive from the majority of companies servicing our equipment needs far outstrip that provided by those in, say, IT or consumer electronics.


One prime example ... a few years ago I had some issues with the power supply in one of Glyndebourne's Galaxy Nova desk 'pods'. Having exhausted all the things I could think of on my own, I called Peter Willis, who was Strand's Galaxy expert (he designed it, so he kinda knew how it worked!). We had a fairly long conversation on the phone, with me checking things as we spoke, and him reeling off detailed instructions (right down to what colour the relevant wires were) down the phone to me. It was only after we'd solved the issue that I noticed the unusually high background noise at his end of the phone call - it turned out that it was his day off, and he was on his mobile phone standing in the middle of a department store somewhere, giving me all the detailed instructions entirely from memory without a single piece of paperwork in front of him. Now that's support!

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I would like to send a lot of thanks to Mike Daniell over at Sound Cue Systems (or Show Cue Systems as they are now). Sent him a request for a feature within the software last night, woke up this morning to find he'd implemented it and put a new release of the software out for me to download!
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Trantec get a thumbs up from me after a singest decided to throw his radio mic across the stage resulting in head and body becoming parted and 4 wires looking for a home,phone call to trantec and very nice chap explained were each wire went,thought nothing more about it until a few hours later when I got a call from the same chap to make sure everything was ok,and it wasnt an expensive rack full of mics,just a single vhf hanheld cheapy .Also matt at chamsys who managed to provide me with an updated profile for some movers in less than 24 hours after I couldnt get the remote lamp on/off commands to work.
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Also matt at chamsys who managed to provide me with an updated profile for some movers in less than 24 hours after I couldnt get the remote lamp on/off commands to work.


No problem, it's what we're here for! To me it makes no sense for company to provide poor service to their customers - in our case both ones who have purchased and those who are 'yet to purchase'! Even if this does mean that you're on the phone to someone in a weird time zone at some godforsaken hour in the morning (I'm sure a lot of us have been there, done that!), there's no reason that they shouldn't receive top quality service else it reflects badly on the company and the product, so we always try and have great round the clock support for people as I'm sure many companies out there do. And the ones that don't, well personally I wouldn't want to be spending my money with them. Having worked in customer service and retail before moving into this industry, I'd rather spend my money somewhere that has good service and support, than where I can save a few pounds!



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I've only ever received the highest quality service from AC-ET, Pete Searles in particular is most helpful.


Also, Avolites were fantastic in sorting out a Titan problem I had on my Expert. A bug corrupted the show file and then wouldn't let me delete the corrupted fixtures, the desk was almost fully patched (loads of decor LED's...grrrr!) and I had no room to move anything around. After a call to the 24hr number and emailing the file, a few hours later, I got a file returned to me that I could work with. Great service for a Saturday afternoon.



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Hehe Andy, yeah I was impressed with the support you were getting on a festival site :)


Another company at the head of their game for customer support are Pangolin (laser control systems and assorted laser doodads!) Bill Benner seems to always be on call, no matter where in the world he is and recently turned around a software update for a bug inside 36 hours despite them being in a completely timezone (and probably in bed!) Certainly no regrets about putting my money with them ;)


Also seem happy to troubleshhot problems with laser hardware thats not even theirs! Above and beyond the call of duty...

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