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I've somehow found myself stage managing a production by a local musical theatre society which is going up to the Fringe mid-August. It was originally performed in Newcastle in March, and has a mostly wood set with some plastic items...all of which have been painted liberally with gloss paint.


Unsurprisingly the venue aren't at all happy about having a wooden set painted with gloss in their venue, as it (also unsurprisingly) fails their test for fireproofing (must not burn of its own accord after being held in a flame for 10 seconds). Are there any options for treating the items without sanding back and repainting with something less ridiculous? Apparently all of our set bar one small bookshelf has already been sent to Edinburgh - without me being informed - and by the time we arrive there will be very little time for repainting everything. As I understand it, Flamebar et. al. aren't an option over gloss.


Any ideas anyone?

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