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Avo FD rack patch bay


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Hey All,


I have recently acquired an Avo 72 Chan FD Rack. The dimmers are in fantastic condition, (all the cap's were replaced before I bought it) and it all works very well. My only gripe, however, is the fact that I have 20amp dimmers with an American plug/socket style patch bay rated at 15a and patch leads rated at 10a. Lovely. The other issue is the arc that comes when you brush past the patch cables, due to old patch leads, wear and tear etc. Dont get me started on the possibility of electrocuting yourself if you somehow manage to touch the terminals on the patch bay whilst pluggin in/removing patch leads.


Does anyone know of any other alternatives that I could replace the good old classic FD rack patch bay with?






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The obvious alternative would be the Wieland ST17-2 connectors as used on the newer Avo dimmers along with other manufacurers. Never seen an FD retro fitted with them though and could well involve some metal work as well as a lot of terminating!


Either way as you say, an FD dimmer will keep on going and will always be repairable it's just a shame the patch is such a week point.

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If you can get hold of a new style set of ART4000 patch dog legs you should be able to do a pretty such straight swap. Be aware that there a a couple of sets of old style AMSOC type patches about as well as the new style wieland. Saying that if your patching more then 10a per patch cord you socca is going to be getting pretty warm on the back!





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I have seen a few old FD racks retro fitted with the new style patch, I will find out over the weekend where they had them done, it's not a straight swap, there is a fair bit of metal work needed to do it properly.





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