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Career Advice

Billy Rigby

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Going out on a limb here but I really don't know where else to look for advice. I've been singing for nearly two years now and, after a promising end to 2008, I was hopeful that this year would be a good one. But it isn't; it's been rotten! I've got a yen for playing the cruise ships as I feel this would give me a lot of experience and the discipline of playing x amount of shows a day, every day would be very good for me.


However, I have no idea of how to break into this line of work and wondered if anyone could give me some pointers. Do I need an agent to get this kind of gig? Or is it possible to go it alone?

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We can try and help - but it worth noting that this forum is for Backstage work, not performing stuff. While I don't doubt there is crossover, what's true for performers is frequently not true for backstage people and vice versa.
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We can try and help - but it worth noting that this forum is for Backstage work, not performing stuff. While I don't doubt there is crossover, what's true for performers is frequently not true for backstage people and vice versa.



Umm, I've posted plenty of performance-related posts here before and I've had a lot of helpful responses. Has the mood changed somewhat since I last posted or is this just you, Bryson? If this is purely a forum for backstage folk then I'll go elsewhere as that, clearly, is not my line of work.


Toshiboy, thanks for your reply. I'll check out The Stage - used to read it in my acting days (and enough said about those the better!).

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Would you know why no-ones ever "pulled" me on this before then? If I ever thought posting performance-related topics here was such a problem, I'd not have done so. Now, I'm a bit perplexed. I'd sooner post on a forum which was specific to performance, to be honest. Anyone know of any? Then I can scoot off here.
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Billy - most of your topics were about business, mp3s, sound systems, lighting etc - so there was usually a technical side to them - that's all.




Well, I've never worked out the ratio of performance-to-other related posts to be honest. But whenever I've posted about performance, it's never been mentioned that it's off topic.


So, thanks for all your advice since I've been here, Paul. Much appreciated. I'm deleting my profile now, though, as this is clearly not a relevant forum for me.


Thanks again.

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I wasn't saying "get lost" :) - just saying that the way performers are contracted is fundamentally different to the way that backstage staff are contracted, and that this is a backstage focussed forum:


eg: "Bringing Backstage Online"


"The Blue Room is a discussion forum, set up for the purposes of discussing issues related to life and work 'behind the scenes' in the Entertainments Industry."


I'm just interested in people getting useful, accurate advice, and making sure you realise that the info you get here is filtered through a "backstage" kind of lens. (Pun intended.)




B ;)

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I wasn't saying "get lost" :) - just saying that the way performers are contracted is fundamentally different to the way that backstage staff are contracted, and that this is a backstage focussed forum:


eg: "Bringing Backstage Online"


"The Blue Room is a discussion forum, set up for the purposes of discussing issues related to life and work 'behind the scenes' in the Entertainments Industry."


I'm just interested in people getting useful, accurate advice, and making sure you realise that the info you get here is filtered through a "backstage" kind of lens. (Pun intended.)




B ;)



No, that's perfectly fine, Bryson, my bad (as the kids say!). Just need to delete myself (which I can't seem to do!) and then I'll try and find a forum more suited to my queries. No hard feelings, fella.

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The Stage website may not be much use - it's full of students looking for courses.


Cruises are often great fun for the younger bods, but no so hot for anyone older, or married. Some really good friends of mine are all off on one - singer + band, and I thought for about 10 seconds of going as bass player, but the money really isn't enough to make it worthwhile. Pay scales are often less than you'd get for working in the UK, and conditions, once the novelty wears off, might not do for everyone.


An agent might not in this circumstance be much use, as if you're on a 6 or 9 month contract, they'll be taking rather a lot of your pay. We can probably point you in a few directions if you want, by the fact that many cruises are managed by companies that source performance and production staff. The Stage - is probably best for adverts. Although I probably could dig out a few agents phone numbers if you get stuck.


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Guest lightnix
I wasn't saying "get lost" :) - just saying that the way performers are contracted is fundamentally different to the way that backstage staff are contracted, and that this is a backstage focussed forum...

No, that's perfectly fine, Bryson, my bad (as the kids say!). Just need to delete myself (which I can't seem to do!) and then I'll try and find a forum more suited to my queries. No hard feelings, fella.

Chill out, Billy. All Bryson was trying to point out, was that - as a backstage-oriented forum - we may not be able to give quality advice to the OP. It wasn't intended as a pop at anyone.

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