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Skin Mic Attachment Methods


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Skin Mic attachment methods:


Hi Guys, it's nearly time for our annual musical - last year Crazy for You and this year Sweeney Todd - and I'd thought I'd ask what the industry/other people use for attaching skin mics to the face.


In the past we have tried elastoplast fabric plasters (the colours kind of match  :nerd: ) or clear plasters. We also tried surgical strips but they were the worst. What I'm trying to say is that they always seem to fall off on one or two of the (I guess more perspiring) actors, whatever we try. We always clean the cheeks to get rid of oil before we attach but I wondered if there is any stronger stuff that doesn't show up. I'm beginning to think superglue is in order  :) (although we'd definitely never get the radio mics back after the show that way!)


Any thoughts would be appreciated,





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If you search the forum (top right of the page) for either "Blenderm" or "Transpore", you'll find lots of relevant discussion. Let's try and keep the discussion all in one place for future reference.
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Well, a few thoughts.


First, I'd recommend that the mic itself isn't in contact with the skin--superglue or otherwise. With an mic with an omni pickup pattern, you'll get a more natural sound if the mic is slightly off the face.


A common way to achieve this is to use "ear loop wire". You can buy lengths of this made up from Canford or find a supplier of florist's wire and make your own.


With the ear loop, take a few closely spaced turns around the mic cable just behind the strain relief, then a few looser turns to, in effect, create a mic boom. Curve the wire around the ear while the mic cable heads off around the back of the neck and down.


Some say they just use the ear loop wire, but I find it works better with a bit of tape as well--I put a length of tape in the "V" at the top of the ear and a small piece on the cheek in front of the ear. My personal favourite is a 3M product called "Blenderm" that most chemists will order in for you. It sticks well and has a matte transparent surface that takes make up. I have to say that I've also had good results with surgical sutures too.


Hope this helps,



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I have found the following method to be quite successful.


1) Capsule over the ear and by the mouth.

2) 2 thin small strips of plaster - the fabric plaster in long rolls with fluff down the middle but just the sticky stuff you want and only 2 small long strips.

3) Attach one of these over the capsule and to the faceand then a second halfway up their cheek

4) Get a small square of medical tape (can't remember the exact stuff but you get it for about 99p in Wilko; it's clear and comes in a little white plastic circular pot) and attach it to the centre of their neck.


If you are having trouble getting the above to stick to their makeup, then I always apply a small amount of spray on plaster before hand, let it set for about 30 seconds and then stick the plasters and tape to this.


Hope this helps!!

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I have found the following method to be quite successful.


1) Capsule over the ear and by the mouth.

2) 2 thin small strips of plaster - the fabric plaster in long rolls with fluff down the middle but just the sticky stuff you want and only 2 small long strips.

3) Attach one of these over the capsule and to the faceand then a second halfway up their cheek

4) Get a small square of medical tape (can't remember the exact stuff but you get it for about 99p in Wilko; it's clear and comes in a little white plastic circular pot) and attach it to the centre of their neck.


If you are having trouble getting the above to stick to their makeup, then I always apply a small amount of spray on plaster before hand, let it set for about 30 seconds and then stick the plasters and tape to this.


Hope this helps!!


I use the same type of medical tape, get mine from superdrug, its great as long as its put on before the make up for 2 reasons, 1 - it sticks better, 2 - the make-up can be applied over it easliy.


like the little tip of using the spray plaster, almost like contact adhesive. must try that out on the sweaty bettys ** laughs out loud **

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na not the zinc oxcide, that doesnt stick or tear too good! just says clear tape!


You're absolutely right ;)

I've got a roll of each - they come in identical cases. Must've put the lids on the wrong way round the last time I used them... The clear stuff is indeed very good - sticks better than micropore and tears very well.

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Hi all


I use the following type of loop. I find it better than the canford one and the paper doesnt fall off as much




Also I use Meditrans medical tape although thats in irish pharmicists so I dont know the english equivalent. Although the 3M Tape that nurses use is the best stuff by far.


Hope this helps





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