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Senn. EW300G2 problem

Lee J

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Been using my ew300 G2 wireless guitar system for a year or so now with no problems at all. but, last night I played a large festival an we only had a 10 minute band turn around so I put all my leads and my ew300 unit into the back of my guitar combo to make it quicker to get on stage and set up. However, when I removed it from the back of the combo the receiver unit was stuck to a speaker magnet, when I plugged the ew300 into the mains the display screen lit up orange. there is nothing on the screen just a blank orange screen which flickers a little.


Have the magnets in my combo fried my ew300 receiver?

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Good news and bad news time....


If I had to guess I'd wager that the receiver itself is probably still okay and that it's only the display itself that's "fried". However, I'd wager that the display problem is terminal--and it'll be pretty hard to use the receiver unless you can get a new one.


I'd call Sennheiser and see what they say.



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It's an lcd isn't it? To my knowledge magnets do not affect lc displays.


Hmm, after some light 'surfing' (not googling) I have spotted this.


I know a t.v is not a receiver but same thing as regards the display?


Moderation: Edited to make some sense.

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Hang on? In the first post you gave the impression that all was well apart from the duff display - now you say it doesn't receive? Which is it - as the physical bang as it stuck itself onto the magnet after presumably a small drop could have caused mechanical internal damage, which isn't anything to do with magnetism - which was the first problem?
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He just said the display lit up orange, he never mentioned about if the receiver actually passed signal or not.


When you removed it from the magnet, was this before or after the gig?


It may have physically damaged the chip messed with the logic circuitry, I remember being shown a video in a school physics lesson of an iPod Nano being put next to a big electro magnet and the logic chip had literally melted afterwards.


It was a demo of induced heating caused by the current in the electromagnet, that is why I asked if the unit was removed from the magnet before or after the gig.


To clear this up a bit on the recommendation of a Mod, Edits are in Bold



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I had a problem before with the G2 300 series where something similar happened. The display stuck orange and would not stay off when I hit the power button, would just stay off as long as I held the button and come back to being orange. Got no sound from it. Luckily it was just a case of bringing it back to sennheiser for a flash and reload of the software.


Hope this is the case for you and its just a simple software problem



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Luckily it was just a case of bringing it back to sennheiser for a flash and reload of the software.

I no expert on radio mic receivers, but things with microprocessors in them are my line. I'd be inclined to suggest trying the above: a reflash of the memory. It may or may not work: whether it's memory will ever work again isn't something I'd like to guess. However even if you have killed the memory then a good service technian with access to the right parts and, crucially, the software could replace the chip it's on and reload it. It'd be an autherised service centre job at a guess rather than just anyone, but it sounds repairable.

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Sorry for the mix up, it worked fine then I stored it in the back of the combo for half an hour then removed it (by now it was stuck to the magnet) , and it wouldn't work.


it's also doing exactly what jason.fallon said his did, so hopefully if I can find a technician that should clear it.

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Sorry for the mix up, it worked fine then I stored it in the back of the combo for half an hour then removed it (by now it was stuck to the magnet) , and it wouldn't work.


it's also doing exactly what jason.fallon said his did, so hopefully if I can find a technician that should clear it.


I suggest that you contact service at Sennheiser UK Ltd. on 01494 551551 for an RMA number. Evolution wireless devices are on fixed price repair, if out of warranty, so you will know before you send it in how big a bill you are in for. I think the 'big magnet' business is actually a red herring and the failure is most likely the result of either mechanical 'shock' or just rotten timing, i.e. could have happened any time, but managed to wait till it was really inconvenient. Inanimate objects seem to do that....

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Just to keep u all informed (just in case anyone is interested) , the service engineer wouldn't touch it and recommended I just binned it and bought a new receiver (£350). So as a last resort I phoned Sennheiser and spoke to a lovely lady who said they have a fixed price scheme in place and if I sent the unit in they would fix it for £65 +vat.


So that is that, Im posting it tmrw.


thanks to everyone who helped. especially AndyL who gave me the idea to call Sennheiser.

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Like so many things nowadays, even good engineering people have problems with kit that has little they can test without substitution. The days of being able to 'valve tap' are long gone - and spares too expensive and equipment specific that only the manufacturer or their agents can do it. Rather like my wife's car, who can't get hardly anything fixed at her friends garage any longer.
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