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worrying noises...any ideas?


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Hi, just wondering if there was anyone out there whose brains I can pick!


This weekend I was running a full nexo system for a big disco. We were using a couple of radio mics and a foldback system as well. Everything was running fine for the first few hours, however during the evening (it happened about 6 times) an extremely loud static burst came over the whole system. There were always two of them, lasting about a second, with a about a 1 second interval between them.


I thougt that it may be a problem with one of the mics, and indeed one was playing up. However, even after taking this out of the system the problem persisted. None of the other radio mics indicated that there was anything amiss with them.


There was a hearing loop in the building, as well as an industrial kitchen (although I dont know if it ran on the same phase as the sound system).


Anyway, I am at a loss about what it was...so any ideas are greatly appreciated!





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Large inductive loads such as fridges, especially older kit, can cause EMC issues like this.


Full Nexo system - a pair of PS8s or a couple of dozen boxes of GeoT? Were you using a single phase or 2/3 phases? Did the problem seem to happen across all your boxes/amps or just one section of your system?

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yeah more details would be nice. i.e. what radio mics? what amps? controller? speakers? but my guess is rfi into the mixer or emc from big loads more than likely the first of the two.
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...emc from big loads...



That should be EMI from big loads.


EMC = ElectroMagnetic Compatability: how a piece of kit behaves when it is subjected to EMI or how much EMI it generates.



EMI = ElectroMagnetic Interference: any electrical interference which can include RFI



RFI = Radio Frequency Interference



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