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Signal Splitter


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Looking some advice. I have a situation we the input for my theatre projector is located backstage and the tech team are usually on the balcony. We normally just run a massive lead from the input to the computer and it works but I was wondering if there was another way of doing this and avoiding the massive lead.


Also is it possible for us to have a box that will allow "the Conference speaker" to present the powerpoint aswell as have a technician able to run a movie or dvd when needed using the same input point for 2 different computer. I.e the presenter and the tech.


Which model do you think is best when it comes to the clicker weathermen use to change the picture.


Any advice would be greatly appriectiated




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Hi there mate


first off its its not broke dont fix it. This is one of the best rules to live by within this industry as when you start changing things and then find they dont work or you have problems it can at times become more hassle than it is worth.


As for the imput why not look at something like a 2way switcher so that you could run the presentaion off an then switch to the movie or what ever it is on the second laptop, this would also mean that you would potentially also have a back up laptop should one break. Just a thought


hope it helps



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We have a similar setup with a projector on the balcony with a VGA input both on the balcony for the crew to use and one backstage for presenters to use.


The one by the presenter is sent to the projector using a sending box and recieving box via an ethernet link.


We then choose which input the projector uses (like pressing the 'Source' button) via a network link. So you just input an ip address, log in and you can change the input and all the other possible settings.


However I think the projector is a network projector so I dont know if there is an addon for a less 'feature-full' projector. But the VGA over ethernet is certainly a standalone system and might help to conceal the link from backstage to the projector either in an install or a less permeanant setup.

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The one by the presenter is sent to the projector using a sending box and recieving box via an ethernet link.


the VGA over ethernet is certainly a standalone system


I suspect you might mean VGA over CAT5, which is something completely different.

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Also its worth remembering that if you choose a cheaper mechanical switch you may find that your projector either drops to black, or blue, or worse shows the image being adjusted as the projector attempts to acquire the input signal from the different PCs... This tends to happen even if the 2 PCs are set up identically as there is a fraction of a second as the contacts in the switch are disconnected from either, meaning the projector no longer gets a sync signal and it thinks it has no signal...





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  • 2 weeks later...


Your situation is pretty much the example scenario I give when trying to get over the remote positioning of a Hippotizer, particularly the new HippoCritter model.


Firstly you stick the HippoCritter next to your projector backstage. You don't need to be near it. It shuts down and starts up remotely and is fully configurable over HippoNet. You run a standard gigabit LAN to all points who need control. Each person who needs control buys a ZooKeeper dongle so they can control whatever their discipline is remotely via their laptops/pcs wherever they are.


For powerpoint or video playback you can capture losslessly the screen of any PC(s) with ScreenThief sofware (free). Once you have given any PC a fixed IP address you can select it as a source for any layer on the Hippotizer and swich/fade/disolve etc between sources over the network. And because ScreenThief will capture whatever you are showing fullscreen on any PC you could run a machine to play back videos or DVDs which you dont want to upload to the server.


Now I just know someone is going to jump in with cost here but if you remove Video over CAT5, VGA switchers, VGA interfaces and all the gubbbins you need to do this the usual way you'll have the cash for the server there or there abouts. Only additionals are some ethernet cable and a hub from PC World (insert Circuit City or whatever for those in other lands).


At Frankfurt Pro Light and Sound this year we showed our servers bolted to bars RIGHT NEXT to the displays because it would seem that no amount of spec sheets/literature convey the alien concept of hanging your server off the truss or putting it miles away backstage but thats the idea of it. It's been done on bigger shows since V3 came out and in a BIG arena the techs complain they get fat because they don't have to do the FOH to backstage walk 10 times a day :-)


Worth considering if you're going to start buying all sorts of gubbins to connect old kit together. And no apologies for the sales pitch. If it helps you get a better solution I can take the flack........(<dons flame-proof jacket while typing>).

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Another vote for the Kramer Kit- possibly something such as a VP724 type scaler. This will enable several PC inputs, and a couple of Video inputs, scale them all to the desired output resolution, meaning that you only need to feed the projector with one Data input, as all the switching and source selection is done in the box.


I'd also vote for the Interspace industries Master Cue or Microcue. We've run a Microcue 'clicker' 30m from the receiving aerial, which itself was on 40m of 75 Ohm coax to the receiver located in a portacabin outside the big top, and it worked a treat...

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