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UNI courses


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I am currently trying to choose between doing the production lighting course at central school of speech and drama or the live event technology one at glamorgan(cardiff). I was wondering whether any employers or people who had been on the courses previously could offer any advice as to which one I should choose, as I have had offers from both.





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Without wishing to state the obvious, one is a BA, the other a BSc. One appears to concentrate more on lighting and associated techniques, the other includes lighting, sound, etc.


Good luck with your decision making!



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Being based in Cardiff and having never gone to uni, and knowing several Glam students (the sound courses are based in Cardiff) I would say don't bother. Badly organised is how I can describe the things I've seen there. I regularly encounter students being sent to shows with defective recording gear from the Uni. It's embarrassing. The same broken and cheap gear has come to a venue I work at several times over a course of months.


I'd think long and hard about the entire situation if I was in your shoes. :unsure:

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I can't comment on Cardiff but I know people who haven't botherd going to interview because they've got into central. I've got a place on the LD course next year at central and I liked the look of it a lot. Can't comment on the tuition as I haven't recieved it yet but Nick Moran is a really nice guy. Depending on money issues with Mountview, its my second option. It depends what you want really. I imagine you've visited the places yourself so ultimately its what you've seen for yourself that will answer this question, if not, why not?!


Many people can answer this question for you Sam but it's your decision, you need to go with what YOU feel is right for YOU! People's opinions should be valued but only to a certain point. Many can be biased on personal experience and its different for everyone, you get out what you put in... anywhere you go. The institutions aren't going to give you a degree so its got to be right for you as much as them. Which course is more up your street?


Think hard, take your time, make a life decision... they have to be made at some time.


Good look anyway matey



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If you're looking at the Live event technology course at Glamorgan have you considered the Bsc Sound Light and Live Event Technology course at Derby?


I would go and see each University and see which has the best offer and feel for you. That might be the feel of the Uni as much as the content of the course facilities and teaching staff. When you visit speak to some current students on that course to try and get a real feel for what the course can offer.

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thanks for everyones replies, I have visited all of them for open days before and then for interviews. I did consider derby but I didn't really like it and I need physics(I think) at A level, which I'm not doing.

what I'm REALLY looking for is employers or ex-students for advice as although everyones advice so far has been useful I have already done all these things and am stuck between CSSD and Glamorgan, so thanks for everyones help and I do appreciate it but ive already done these things.

and any employers or ex-students reading this please could you give me your oppinion as this is really what I'm looking for.



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Unless entry requirements have changed you don't need physics for derby. It is however a science/engineering based course, not an art based course.

If you want discussions on the artistic impact of such and such then derby isn't for you. If you want lectures on electronics and acoustics and optics then derby is your place (other courses and universities are available).



I chose against Glamorgan mainly due to location and surrounding amenities.


Feel free to PM me for any more info on Derby.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Lite Lad,


My opinion will be totaly bias, but as a current CSSD Production Lighting student my self, I would say central......the resources in kit, staff, space and visiting pros.


I know nothing about the other uni......but would recommend central.


Hope this helps and feel free to mail me for info





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Hey Lite Lad


I'm a second year student on the BSc Live Event Technology course, if you would like to discuss things about the course, throw me an email: ian@wlprodcutions.co.uk.


I second comments above about the BSc Course being very physics based, and it integrates all the learning material you need to attain the IEE BS7671:2008 17th Edition Qualification. Im not sure what other people may have experienced in the Cardiff Campus, but the equipment we have to use on our campus is by no means damaged!


If you read this months LSI Mag, there is a feature about our uni for which a group of us got together and did a small event which I was part of.





(PM sent also)

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you're looking at the Live event technology course at Glamorgan have you considered the Bsc Sound Light and Live Event Technology course at Derby?

I would recommend looking at this as well; I didn't end up studying at Derby but when I was choosing university courses it was one of the strongest ones I saw, definately a good facility and looked a good course.

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Hey Lite Lad


I'm a second year student on the BSc Live Event Technology course, if you would like to discuss things about the course, throw me an email: ian@wlprodcutions.co.uk.


I second comments above about the BSc Course being very physics based, and it integrates all the learning material you need to attain the IEE BS7671:2008 17th Edition Qualification. Im not sure what other people may have experienced in the Cardiff Campus, but the equipment we have to use on our campus is by no means damaged!


If you read this months LSI Mag, there is a feature about our uni for which a group of us got together and did a small event which I was part of.





(PM sent also)


Look here for an LSI article on an event put on by BSc Sound, Light & Live Event Technology students at Derby last year.

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I did consider derby but I didn't really like it and I need physics(I think) at A level, which I'm not doing.


Derby have a foundation year which you can do if you don't have the correct background. To help bring you up to speed ready for the degree


It's what I'm doing now, it's a very good course.

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hello everyone :D

thanks for all your replies they have been useful to me

thought id let you know that I've decided to go for CSSD as my first choice and Glamorgan as my second.

hopefully its the right choice...

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