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RF goes Low on receiver


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Hi all,


During tonights show the RF decided to go really low during one number, but the AF was still at a good level. This caused random break-up of signal (as expected) and sounded s**te, for want of a word. Any clues why this would happen? Would it be to do with under to many layers of clothing? The mic in question was fine during the rest of the show.


Mic in question is a Senn. G2 300



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Lots of things. Most likely a sudden issue in the signal getting from A to B. so turning just the right place, under just the right clothing. Sweat doesn't help with anything either.


You may also wish to check the antenna on the transmitter.

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The amount and type of cloth between the pack and the receiver.


The antenna being in contact with skin.


Other objects, or persons with wireless, between the problem transmitter and receiver.


Improper orientation of the receiving antenna (if it's a stick antenna or pair, it/they should be at a 45 degree angle).


As an aside, make sure that the audio does not overload on the hot notes (I find that most transmitters are too hot and need to be turned down).

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All of the above, with the addition of overweight actors who seem to act as an RF sponge!


However, my first check in this sort of situation (assuming the rest of the system usually works) is the antenna on the TX pack. It's awfully easy for them to end up touching sweaty skin or get bent/kinked under clothing .



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