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ETC SmartFade questions


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Ok just wondering if there are any ETC genii who might be able to point me in the right direction with this. I'm using a load of LEDJ parcans but they have a really weird intensity channel where 0-73% is normal fade from 0 to full, then 74-100% controls the strobe function. Not great in a theatre show...

Unfortunately I only realised this after programming the whole show with them at 100% in every scene. So now I can't use the GM properly or really do gradual scene changes. So basically what I'm wondering is if there's any way I can automatically change every cue where they're at 100% to 73%. A pallete would seem the obvious answer to this but the SmartFade doesn't seem to do intensity palletes..


The other idea I had was to change the fixture personality and tell the desk that the intensity channel is an attribute channel so it doesn't fade with the GM. But the desk doesn't seem to like that either...


Any ideas?



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Assuming you don't want strobing ever in this show, you could redefine the personality so that a console intensity of 100% maps to 73% output. I don't know if this is possible on the SmartFade ML, but it would be necessary for fixtures such as a Golden Scan 3 (so you could perhaps look at the personality for that fixture to see how it's done?) so I'd hope it is!





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Well that was my first thought BUT apparently it's not currently possible to edit personalities to this degree on the desk, only on the personality editor in the next software release which is due out in two weeks' time :unsure:
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Had this issue on other desks and got round it by creating a shortened fixture for the RGB mix (using just those three channels) and then soft patching generics faders to the DMX address of the intensity channels. Then limit these intensity faders just as you would if you wanted to prevent overloading of a dimmer channel.


Might work as a get around until the software update, but not sure how feasible this is on a Smartfade ML as the only ETC desk I've ever used is an 2496 which doesnt have support for fixtures.


All of which I've realised doesn't help with the show you've already programmed! Could you not program a seperate state with the LEDJs at 100% and leave this up during the show, using a playback master to do fades. Then the HTP precident should prevent the intensity channel from dimming and you can then control it seperately and speed through the strobing levels manually.


Again - sorry if any of this isn't possible on the ML - just trying to think of a generic workaround using features that I'd expect to find on most desks!

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