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how to make cheap gobos for martin mac


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hi all I dont really deal in lighting much but were I work we are looking to make single use gobos for a martin mac 575 krypton is this possible? we were thinking of using the same stuff that you use for over head projectors is this possible?

Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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Nope, I wouldn't put acetate into a Mac - I rather suspect you'll end up with a Mac gummed up with melted acetate. All the Mac gobos I've ever seen are steel or tempered glass. You could try cutting them yourself, but they're pretty small and therefore fiddly to cut - probably easier and tidier to get them made.
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Not really that possible, the size of a gobo for a MAC is so small I doubt anyone would have sufficient skill with a knife to produce anything worthwhile. Also the only material that you should try is printers litho plate although I've never tried this in a moving light, the heat may be too much for it.


Certainly don't try and use transparency film that you would use for an OHP as this will last approximately 1 second in a moving light before melting.


If you're wanting something with colour or even grayscale then it simply isn't going to happen without getting a proper glass gobo made.


EDIT Must type faster!

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