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Audio Test Gear

Simon Lewis

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I'm looking around for a possible replacement / addition to some existing audio test gear (Neutrik A2). Although an excellent piece of kit, it does have some reliability issues and replacements are not too cheap (around £6.5k).

Amongst other things, I use this in a practical to test an analogue mixer (%THD+N, max headroom, frequency response, crosstalk etc.).


I'm toying with the idea of a Minirator Pro / Minilyser / Minilink setup, but the Minirator won't generate enough level to cause the desk to clip when it's set to 0dB / unity gain (so we'd need an external unit). The Minilyser would need padding to read a high level signal. Neither are insurmountable issues, but they do make it a less "integrated" approach.


Boxes like the Audio Precision are too expensive, but the audio toolbox might possibly fit the bill. Is anyone aware of other measurement systems I should be looking at?





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For many years we used a LINDOS LA100 audio test set and were extremely happy with it...it could certainly put out enough level to test any analogue boards we had back then. As far as I know, the units purchased almost 20 years ago are still going strong.


It's way too many years for me to even guess what the price is now but it might at least be worth a look.



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Look also at the much lower cost Minisonic analysers from Lindos - it is always nice to have stand alone test gear (unlike sound card and software based systems).

If print outs and graphs are required - then Lindos scores again!

Also available from Canford Audio.

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The Minisonics from Lindos are nice but, from memory, they only to up to an output of +18 or +19dBu which wouldn't distress an analogue console the way the OP wants to.



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I use Smaart and a usb interface. yes it doesnt give you everything but is pretty cheap and easy to setup.


We use Smaart quite extensively, both for electroacoustic measurement and determining frequency and phase response of equalisers. However, it's not designed as an audio test tool in the same way as the Neutrik A2 or the Lindos gear other posters have mentioned.



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