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Jands Vista S1 - newbie tips

Mr Steve

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I'm trying get started with our new Jands Vista PC software and S1 wing. I work in a college, so at the moment I have the console at home, connected to a couple of Martin colour changers, so I can try and get to grips with it without interruption as we do not have a dedicated theatre space.


Firstly, I have read the manual, but coming from a background of a GSX and LightFactory there are a few things I am unclear on now to do on this new beast:


1). I have created a 'clip' with 3 steps (in GSX speak this would be the X playback with 3 cues in it I assume). If I want to create an effect, eg, a sine curve on the dimmer channel, how do I put this in to my clip as part of a cue?


2). When in Live mode in the programmer, if I have selected some presets of colour for my colour changers, when I clear the fixtures, going to the intensity control and dragging the slider up, or using the wheel has no effect. If I re-start Vista the control comes back. I guess something is blocking the intensity function, but I don't know what is.


3). I want to create a random strobe chase. The colour changers have a linear strobe channel with no "random" setting. Using SmartFX, there is no Strobe channel available for me to create such a chase, only Intensity and Shutter. Can I create a chase using raw DMX values? And once created, can I stick this in to a clip (see Q1!).


Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks

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