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Avolites Titan and Hippotizer


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Has anyone out there had any luck (or tried) getting the hippotizer component for the Avolites Titan working? As I understand it, you are able to view the media clips on the pearl's vga screen but I cant get it working.


(I dug around in the pearl's system folders and found a hippotizer connect application and installed but very little happened after that!)

Oh, and FYI, I am using artnet to link the hippo and the pearl and desk control of the hippo working fine


Any thoughts?





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This is not something I'm aware of.


By 'connect application', do you mean HippoPlugin, found within Avolites/Diamond4 directory? I have this here but my folder also contains remnants of original D4 soft. It mentions swatches (thumbnails) although it is quite possible it is not implemented for Titan yet.


If noone else answers this more definitively in the meantime I will ask about it tomorrow.

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Hey Nic,


Thanks for the prompt reply. Yeah, I mean the HippoPlugin. I couldnt rememebr what it was called, I didnt have the directory open in front of me!


If it does get mentioned to those at Avolites, please reinforce the fact that it is something that was promised at Plasa and users (well me, specifically)! are needing to use this!





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Hey Guys,


Right, to clarify,


I have a hippotizer HD media server and a Pearl expert. DMX/Artnet control between the two is fine. I can load the hippo profile onto a handle on the pearl, use the attribute banks, etc etc. The control between the 2 works fine.


What I want to achieve is what I was promised at Plasa about Titan. What I was told is that you can use a plugin on both sides, (hippo and pearl) to allow the media clip thumbnails you have in your library on the hippo to be displayed via artnet on the pearl's VGA screen. Hippo call it the HMAP 2 plugin, which I have loaded.


Quote from Hippo about HMAP 2...


"HMap2 is a component which is run within Hippotizer. The component does not have an interface but it will allow lighting desk to access, thumbnails, live previews from each _layer_ and the master. Hmap 2 also allows a lighting console to see the mode Hippotizer is running in which can be helpful when patching."


I want to know if this has been implemented on the Expert!


Does this make any sense?





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Hi everyone,


I would like to take this opportunity to make clear that connectivity between the Hippotiser v3 and the Pearl Expert Titan is not a problem; it is the additional feature of being able to view the thumbnails of the Hippotiser v3 on the external monitor of the console which is not present in the current Titan software version.


It is our intention, in the medium term, to provide thumbnail images of Hippotiser v3 Media, on Titan consoles and we are working closely with Green Hippo on this.

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