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Just looking for any opinions about this new company their product looks pretty tasty.


and we are tempted to go for a viewing..


Has anyone heard or had a chance to use any of their kit recently?

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We had them in a couple of weeks ago doing a demo for us. Personally I wasn't over impressed although we only sampled a few of the boxes. The sound was okay but I felt it sounded a little 'compressed' compared to other systems.


From what I understand, the company's roots are in the dance and club market and the boxes may suit such applications fine but I would not choose them for any critical or vocal-heavy applications.


Finally, colour. What's with the green? Black is a perfectly nice colour for a speaker...



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I've mixed on the NCA stuff about half a dozen times now and not been terribly impressed any of them, got to agree with Stevies comment really. IMO I think they're sort of where Turbosound were 25 yrs ago.


The whole oddball colour boxes thing seems to be particularly British : Turbo blue (at least they offer black as well), Funktion 1 violet, Void red/maroon, NCA green. Never been completely sure what it was all about other than brand recognition.



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I've mixed on the NCA stuff about half a dozen times now and not been terribly impressed any of them, got to agree with Stevies comment really. IMO I think they're sort of where Turbosound were 25 yrs ago.


The whole oddball colour boxes thing seems to be particularly British : Turbo blue (at least they offer black as well), Funktion 1 violet, Void red/maroon, NCA green. Never been completely sure what it was all about other than brand recognition.




They've just stuffed a load of this kit in the new Komedia venue in Bath, Somerset. If I get a chance to play with the system shortly, I'll report back!



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The Asym 3 top boxes are good little pop boxes. We had a pair in the Cardiff Barfly :]. They sounded horrible in there of course because the house engineer 6 years ago decided to stack them sideways o.0 ! Once I took them out and tested them in a nice, non cavernous, right side up sort of way they were very hi-fi! Great, tight bass.
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