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Projector, Screen and Speaker System to Buy


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I have been asked to point someone in the right direction to purchase some goods


The person represents their local village hall and they are looking to purchase the following


A Decent Projector

DVD/Blu-Ray Player With HDMI Capabilities

Screen for the projector

2 Speakers To Cover the village hall


I have no other information like budget, hall size etc. I have just been asked to point someone in the right direction and give them pointers


I know there a specific installation companies but I need somewhere to start.





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I know there a specific installation companies but I need somewhere to start.

You already have everything you need to start.


The person represents their local village hall and they are looking to purchase the following


A Decent Projector

DVD/Blu-Ray Player With HDMI Capabilities

Screen for the projector

2 Speakers To Cover the village hall

That's all the info you need for a start, then get on the phone to some suppliers/installers, give them this list and ask them to come and take a look at your venue and quote. It's all you need to do to move forward.


Truth is it's impossible to give you any sensible suggestions without actually seeing your venue.

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Thanks for the PMs


Ill look into those suggestions soon.


John, I know there are specific companies that do that but I have had recommendations. I was looking for reputable companies. I wasn't going to flick through the yellow pages and play supplier bingo. Who knows what I could be letting myself into.





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I have more info from them person,


They currently rent the equipment from Stratford Council and their prices have been slowly creeping up over the years. They only use the kit to show films 12 times a year.


The hall can seat 100.


They have been told by the council the projector they rent costs around the £5k Mark.


I can get things like Hall Dimensions if needed




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If it is only video use then they may be best off forming a film society and applying for and Awards For All or local council grant. Sorting out what equipment would be required won't be a problem but I'll PM you about that.
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