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advice about some technobeams


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hello blue room I wonder if you can help me,


I recently used 4 HIGH END SYSTEMS technobeams for a small light show for wedding (they were already preinstalled in to the village/thertre hall and was able to use them, anyway...


after using them I really like them and am seriously intrested in purcasing some however I have a few questions :


1. where can I buy them in the uk

2. how much will they set me back (each/pairs/fours etc) also exinstall/hire

3 . I notice STRONG lighting also do what looks an identcal model are they the same if so aare the specs the same

4. what is actully inside them ( colours /gobos etc)

5 also on of the scanners I was using said a message on the display screen it read OVA TEMP what doe sthis mean

6. how robust are they ( maintnace/breakdowns/servicing)


hope you can help

tahnks ben

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In answer to your questions:


Q. where can I buy them in the uk

A. If you are after the Highend ones then you will need second hand ones as they no longer make them, try the normal second hand places.


Q. how much will they set me back (each/pairs/fours etc) also exinstall/hire

A. See above, try the normal second hand places


Q. I notice STRONG lighting also do what looks an identical model are they the same if so are the specs the same

A. Yes they are the same, STRONG Lighting bought the product from HES about 18 months ago (maybe a bit more now)


Q. what is actually inside them ( colours /gobos etc)

A. Take a look at the manuals as this has all the details including pics of the gobos etc.


Q. also on of the scanners I was using said a message on the display screen it read OVA TEMP what does this mean

A. The units are reading a high temp problem, this could be a sensor problem but is more likely to mean they need a clean and a service. In most cases cleaning the fans will help the units run cooler


Q. how robust are they ( maintenance/breakdowns/servicing)

A. They are very robust and reliable units, all R&D was done by HES/Lightwave research and the units are very well built.


Hope this is of help



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I use a set of 4 Technobeam-I's:


Although they are very nice lights, they can be a pain to rig (the yoke design is terrible) and they are VERY heavy and bulky! They also produce faults over time that can get annoying (due to all the sensors and such like) so you have to keep maintaining them if used alot.

But they have very nice lithos and the colour dichroics are rich. When snapping with a pan or tilt chase, the mirrors don't move as fast as today's fixtures like Clay Paky and Robe, but this depends on how you use them.

They are fairly accessible to clean inside as everything is attatched on a moving 'tray' and I find them to be very quiet (fan noise that is - the panning of the mirror is another story)

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