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Roboscan 812


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Hi everybody


I'm new to this board so hello to everyone and thankyou in advance for any help you can give. I have 6 roboscan 812's that seem to have the same fault, they turn on power up and reset then seem to do nothing. if I trip the relay manually they lamp lights but no movement at all apart from resetting on any of the programs. nor will it light the lamp on its own. I'm thinking dead eprom?? anybody else shed any light on this??

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I don't know the scanners in question but will ask one thing...

Have they all worked prior to this attempt to use them?


If the answer is 'yes' then I seriously doubt you have the same fault on all units (unless they've all been subject to the same sort of mistreatment at the same time).


It's more likely something to do with your control...


Then again, I could be wrong.

:** laughs out loud **:

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Older Martin fixtures such as the 812 have the DMX +/- signals (pins 2 and 3) reversed, so you need to use a DMX cable that has pins 2 and 3 flipped connecting your controller to the first 812. If you have other fixtures besides the six 812s on the same DMX line, you need to flip back and forth as necessary.


Hope this helps!



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