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Fat Frog - Fixture Control Edit Mode


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Heya all,


just took apart the Fat Frog.... someone decided to drop it and stuff decided to fall out... so nearly all back together I decided to update the OS and fixture library etc and brush up on some skills :D


Looking at the fixture control panel (below the frog logo) I realised when you hold down the attribute buttons for a fixture, a menu appears in the LCD of which you can scroll through which are: absoloute, relative, fan first, fan middle, fan last and fan v... so I thought ooo... but currently have no lights around to test it with, so I am just wondering what does it do!?


Many Thanks

Jack! :** laughs out loud **:

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sorry all!! :** laughs out loud **:



and anyone know how to but these blummin faders back in properly!?... the metal pin has fallen out of a load of the channels... still got the pin... just can't seem to seat it back in!



Hi Jack


Sounds like someone's given the desk quite some whack!?


Give Keith a call at the office on 01633 838088 - he'll be able to talk you through replacing the faders. Alternatively our distributors will be able to supply replacement faders, if you're happy with a soldering iron.






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sorry all!! :** laughs out loud **:



and anyone know how to but these blummin faders back in properly!?... the metal pin has fallen out of a load of the channels... still got the pin... just can't seem to seat it back in!



Hi Jack


Sounds like someone's given the desk quite some whack!?


Give Keith a call at the office on 01633 838088 - he'll be able to talk you through replacing the faders. Alternatively our distributors will be able to supply replacement faders, if you're happy with a soldering iron.







Yes indeed!!

Don't lend out expensive equipment I have learnt!!


the fader/slider itself is fine, its just the metal clippy bit that sits in there and holds the plastic top of the slider (the knob)

is there not a way of putting that back into the slot and then putting the plastic knob on top of them when its all been screwed back in?



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Seriously, would you mind at least TRYING to find the answers out yourself and doing a little thinking before just blurting out the question?




I do try and figure things out myself, it's just I thought there may have been an easier way of a few of you telling me rather than spending an hour on a phone call that I could pickup off the internet in 5 minutes... and I assure you I have looked through google on putting the metal back in and how they are built etc...


also I am quite busy during the week so I havent always got the time ;)



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