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Avolites personality help


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I have been using a Pearl 2000 for a while, and so far whenever I have needed to load personalities for intelligent fixtures I have used Avolites Cashe Builder. However, it doesn’t have the right personality for one of our fixtures so I have been trying to load an individual personality from the avolites personality library (http://www.avolitesdownload.com/Personalit...ary/Default.asp) . I find the fixture, view the source for the personality and copy it into notepad, then save it is a .r20 file on the floppys root. However when I have tried to load a personality on the disk, it searches, and tells me there are no personality files on the disk. Am I doing something wrong? How should it be done?




Many thanks

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I have been using a Pearl 2000 for a while, and so far whenever I have needed to load personalities for intelligent fixtures I have used Avolites Cashe Builder. However, it doesn’t have the right personality for one of our fixtures so I have been trying to load an individual personality from the avolites personality library (http://www.avolitesdownload.com/Personalit...ary/Default.asp) . I find the fixture, view the source for the personality and copy it into notepad, then save it is a .r20 file on the floppys root. However when I have tried to load a personality on the disk, it searches, and tells me there are no personality files on the disk. Am I doing something wrong? How should it be done?




Many thanks


Hi; I am a noise boy not a lampie and have not loaded a personality for quite a while, as far as I remember, the personalities come down as a zip file from the web so you have to unzip it first on your computer, then copy it onto the floppy disk, then load it into the Pearl. I usually download the whole pack from the Avolites site and select the personality from the pack rather than just taking the individual file out on the PC. I'm sure that somebody will confirmor deny this soon enough, Hope it helps! Apologies if I'm wrong!

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Am I doing something wrong? How should it be done?
Pretty much as per Soundo26's instructions..>>
the personalities come down as a zip file from the web so you have to unzip it first on your computer, then copy it onto the floppy disk, then load it into the Pearl.
Simply find the profile you want, hit the download button (floppy disk shaped icon), it brings up a self-extracting zipfile, save it then double click on it, make sure its got your floppy drive letter right, hit upzip, few minutes later you've got a floppy with the personality you like (plus a load of others ones..).


Stick it in the drive on your desk, hit patch and choose a fixture.. and away you go! Just scroll down to till you file the personality you want and yeah.. you know the rest.



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OP asked the same question on the Avo forum but added that he did not want to download the whole disks.


It can certainly be quite time consuming to extract to floppies. It is also much more convenient to have a single floppy with all your required personalities. And, while the compressed versions offer a complete library over fewer disks, the time taken to decompress each time you want to patch is not funny. *cough* buy and Expert *cough*



The method of copy/paste should work fine but it is important to make sure notepad is not adding .txt. This might not be obvious if you have file option 'hide extensions for known filetypes' enabled.


Alternatively, you could download the relevant uncompressed aps disks but extract to your hard drive instead of to floppy. When the self-extractor prompts for floppy just hit ok, then you can enter or browse to another location. Then find the files you need and copy them across to a floppy. It may be useful to have the library open for filename cross-reference to do this since the names are restricted to 8 characters and not always obvious.


If the disks still don't work then it is possible the console needs a .lst file which associates manufacturer. Download an uncompressed disk and extract to HDD as above and open the list file in notepad. The format should be easy to understand.

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If the disks still don't work then it is possible the console needs a .lst file which associates manufacturer. Download an uncompressed disk and extract to HDD as above and open the list file in notepad. The format should be easy to understand.


I know nic is the Avo oracle but just to add to this final point... I think when I tried this a few months ago that my console would only recognise the personality files on a disk with the .lst file completed. Basically, do as nic says extracting the zip file to your HDD, then copy just the personality file and the .lst file to the floppy. Edit the .lst file (using notepad), simply deleting all the lines except the heading, and the line referring to the personality you need.





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Hi everyone


Thanks so much for this. I have downloaded the disks, found the relivent files and I should hopefuly be able to make and test a disk soon. I can only see 2 .lst files, but if it dosnt work without them, I will put them in the disk so hopefuly it will work.


Thanks again

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There are two .lst files, one for Pearl and one for Sapphire. Obviously you don't need the Sapphire one. Edit the other to suit but don't just copy one, unless it happens to come from the same disk as the personalities.


And I forgot about sg.dat. Avo Oracle indeed....

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