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Strand 300 USB Ports to Save and Load Shows

Alan Pickwick

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They're only physically there because the base unit is built in a basic PC box.

As I recall, USB isn't something that DOS can address - though I may be wrong...

(But this isn't a PC forum, so...........)

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Dos can do USB drives but requite special drivers etc. we had to do it fo a college course some time ago. you can get the files from boot disk.com I think. Never tried it on a desk so do it at your own risk by all means, just don't go crying my name then it all goes pete tong.
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  • 3 weeks later...

It is certainly possible on the 500 series console, but it requires a whole lot of effort to store a show onto USB!!!


Unless your show is huge in size and won't fit on a floppy (as was the case with the show I am currently touring) best off just sticking to the floppy!

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