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Martin Blackline/EV?


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Yes Wharfdale have a nice sound but in earlier versions it was all too easy to fry your drivers and I had a few blow for no obvious reason.


Dunno what the newer speakers are like for reliability?















Yes wharfdale speakersI must agree too (yes another one) with the '12" = better for vocals' posts... I used to have a couple of systems...


1. My A rig which was an ASS system. The tops had top of the range B&C Drivers in them - a 15" and a 2"

2. My B rig which was a Wharfedale Pro LiX system, the tops in this were a 12" and a 1" (or 1.4, I'm not sure).


Either way, having tried and tried with my A rig to get the vocals to sound nice and sweet, I couldn't, and thus I got rid of the system cause I was never happy. When doing my next gig, I used my Wharfedales and the vocal sound was sweet as!!! I was blown away by how much better and non-harsh sounding they were.


Having gotten rid of most of my gear now, I've kept the tops from my B rig as my only speakers.


It turns out that the crossover point in a 15 + 2 is at a nasty frequency range. I shant use a 15 + 2 for vox again if I can help it.

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